Limited Offer-Gem Stone Infused Morganite Crystal Singing Bowl with Soul Purpose Chakra Tuning Fork, Padded Secure Case

The Morganite gemstone kit includes one 8-inch F note morganite bowl (432 Hz), Suede Striker, O-ring, a Padded Secure carrying Case, and one soul purpose (8th chakra) tuning fork, striker, and soul purpose chakra bag.

Morganite is associated with purity, sweetness, romance, and affection, due to its soft pinkish hue. It is generally related to the heart and is attuned to the heart chakra. Morganite is thought to offer those who wear it healing, love, and promise. Morganite is also known to assist the nervous system and eases tension and stress. It fosters a healthy respiratory system and boosts vitality. It enhances well-being and strengthens your inner reserve.

The soul-purpose tuning fork (272.20 Hz) corresponds to the 8th chakra. It can be used for relaxation, balancing, and meditation. It can help with inflammation when used on specific acupressure points on the body.

This pair can pack a powerful punch in integrating the heart chakra and outer auric field. They can be used together or alone to enhance your meditation practice or energy healing sessions.

The universe is a harmonic fortress of sound and vibration, and the human body is a microcosm of this design. The 7 main regions of the body and their associated chakras represent a full octave of sound. The intention to heal with the use of vibration is a reflection of the musical activity of our energy system. The outward appearance of playing the singing bowls is an expression of the dynamic inner activity of the chakras. Singing bowls can be used for balancing, aligning, and attuning the chakras. This dynamic can also extend to larger groups, such as yoga sessions, drum circles, sound baths, and performances, as viewing the practitioner who is performing with the singing bowls reflects back to us the activity of healing and spiritual expression.

Current research into the use of chanting and singing syllables or seed sounds indicates a tremendous amount of potential for healing and personal development. Yoga, meditation, and Qi Gong are widely accepted as alternative healing modalities and each of them can be used for sound healing. In the practice of Yoga, mudras and bandhas are muscle contractions that hold the body in the correct posture for chi or vital energy to flow through the chakras and meridians. Simply by practicing good posture while playing the singing bowls, it becomes Yoga and Qi Gong.

The beautiful waves of vibrations and melodies of the singing bowls register in each of the major regions of the body, and the mind instantly recognizes this as healthy, allowing us to relax and enter into a state that is receptive to healing and transformation. As the mind is entrained in the frequencies and pure tones of the singing bowl, it can easily enter into deep states of meditation. This is an excellent time to practice affirmations, and prayer, or enter the alpha level and unlock the potential of the mind.

Sitting in the position of meditation while playing the singing bowl provides a powerful opportunity to heal yourself and others, as the healing energy can be directed inward and outward, filtered by our intention, visualization, and the guidance of the heart chakra. This is an invaluable resource for Reiki practitioners and distance healers.

Playing many singing bowls at once creates a bath of healing harmonic vibrations. Just as we experience different energies in life, this represents an opportunity to reflect from a level of pure being, to just let go, and vibrationally experience the joyfulness and beauty of creation. With the use of just one singing bowl and the practice of slow rhythmic breathing, you can experience Samadhi, the absorption into pure consciousness as the mind follows the sound into silence.