Perfect Pitch Alchemy 8pc Chakra Color Handle Bowls With Tuning Fork Set And Mallets

Perfect Pitch Chakra Color Pure Quartz Handle Bowls is an amazing instrument for sound healers. Handle bowls allow the practitioner to easily hold the sound bowl and direct its vibration when working with a client. The notes of the handle bowls correspond to the Chakras, Root C (DO), Sacral D (RE), Solar Plexus E (MI), Heart F (FA), Throat G (SOL), Third Eye A (LA), Crown B (TI), Root High C (DO). This premium clear crystal handle bowl is of the highest quality.

Clear crystal singing bowls are the most premium quality sound healing instruments. They have the long-lasting resonance of a metal singing bowl but are lighter than a frosted white bowl. Along with the standard tone of the bowl, gently striking it in different locations will release a range of other notes.

The soothing vibrations of the clear crystal bowls are so strong and smooth, they are like engines of sound. The perfect instrument to use for group meditation, the long-lasting resonance of a clear crystal bowl can draw the mind into deep concentration while bathing the energy field in smooth, rhythmic waves of vibration. When leading a group meditation, yoga, or breathing exercise, use this instrument at the moment of pause in between the recitation of affirmation and guided visualization.

The tuning forks of this set are accurate within .25 of a single Hz and are made of heat-treated, high-quality aluminum alloy that has concentrations of magnesium, giving them added strength and longevity. This type of aluminum is highly valued because of its very lightweight and conduciveness for vibration and will ensure that your tuning forks remain accurate for years.

While the large-size bowls can be circled with a suede striker, gently strike the smaller bowls on the side to release their pure tone. The smaller the bowl the higher the frequency, the higher the frequency the stronger the vibration. Higher-frequency waves have more energy than lower-frequency waves with the same amplitude. While the smaller bowls have shorter a wavelength and a slightly shorter resonance, they have greater strength. Higher frequencies are used in technology for transferring large amounts of data and penetrating through dense matter. Higher frequencies penetrate through all the levels of reality and are associated with the far-reaching dimensions of the higher chakras. For a sound healer, it is advantageous to have instruments from multiple octaves or ranges of frequency.

This set of bowls is made of 99.99% Pure Quartz Crystal Material, each comes with a suede striker. Included with this purchase is an 8 pc Chakra Tuning Fork set with individual drawstring pouches and a striker.

Please note that the color of the mallets may vary depending on the availability.