7 stamps sheet Crimean Bridge…Done "M" WAR in Ukraine 2022 Ukrposhta Sale

Date of issue:  4 Nov 2022

Lot of 1 blok 7 stamps Limited Edition Ukraine 2022 Post Stamps M "Crimean Bridge...Done. Crimea Bridge!" NEW, 100% ORIGINAL.

 The stamp series is dedicated to October 08, 2022, the Russian Crimean-Kerch Crimean bridge is finally “Done“.

Since the eyes of millions of people from all over the world are riveted to Ukraine, and not all of them understand the significance of the Crimean bridge for Russia and the significance of its damage for the course of the Ukrainian-Russian war, the sketch shows a frame from a famous film. As the myth about the unsinkability of the steamer was spreading, so Russia built the myth that the Crimean bridge is a symbol of the eternal connection of the Ukrainian Crimea with Russia. In addition, there are several striking details on the stamp:
- Bayraktar, which "accidentally" flies over the bridge;
- the car of the invaders flies into the abyss, losing prey;
- a cigarette butt in the hands of the heroine as a hint that the invaders have recently been suffering from smoking in prohibited places;
- Broken enemy tank.
And other little things that you will be able to hold in your hands and consider live and find hidden meaning in them.

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