204 Vintage e-Books Collection on USB

A large collection of vintage Norse Mythology e-books available on 1 Data USB.

These e-books are in the following languages:

Danish, English, German, Latin, Norwegian.


You will receive an interesting mix of books on Norse Mythology covering a fantastic array of subjects: Vikings, Edda and Prose Edda, Scandinavian mythology, Asgard and the Gods, Poetry, Beowulf, ballads, Mank Crosses, runic inscriptions, Anglo Saxons, Clan traditions and tales, fairy tales, Icelandic Sagas, songs, Norse discovery of America before Columbus, Germany/Germanic, Gods/Deities including Thor, Loki, Odin, Freja, Teutons, Celts,Teutonic Myth, folk law, and much more!


All these titles are long out of print, and have been scanned by various organisations around the globe. All these books are scans of the original books from Library collections (and 100 years old), therefore, you might get marks, scratches, some text written on it (usually pencil), all sort of things which were done to the books by the Public in the library during the last 100 years. 99% of the pages & illustrations/drawings are intact.

This is a great resource for your personal interest or historical research. All 204 files are in PDF format, organised in alphabetical order in 1 folder. Titles on the flash drive are shorter than original in the listing (containing mainly the title + year, no subtitle), but you can match them easily with our listing.

You will need a PDF reader like Adobe Reader (freely available on the internet).


More than 71000* Pages!

204 old books in PDF Format!

Free delivery in UK!

You Will Receive USB flash drive in plastic sleeve (no BOX included).

Please note this Portable USB is for use in a computer that has a USB 2.0/3.0 slot, it will NOT fit into mini USB (unless you have an extension, mini to large), it will NOT work in a traditional DVD player that is connected to a television, X-Box, or regular CD player.

You can use this USB flash drive on your laptop, or computer (both Windows & MAC). Files can be printed and/or transferred to tablets/phones/other devices.

Norse Mythology 204 Vintage Books Collection on USB:

A collection of popular tales from the Norse and north German (1906)

A concise dictionary of old Icelandic (1910)

A grammar of the Icelandic or Old Norse tongue (1843)

A handbook of Norse mythology (1913)

A tale of the House of the Wolfings and all the kindreds of the mark, written in prose and in verse (1890)

Agricola and Germania (1894)

America not discovered by Columbus (1874)

An Icelandic-English dictionary, based on the ms. collections of the late Richard Cleasby. Enl. and completed by Gudbrand Vigfússon. With an introd. and life of Richard Cleasby by George Webbe Dasent (1874)

Angevin Britain and Scandinavia (1921)

Anglo-Saxon and Norse poems (1922)

Annaler for nordisk oldkyndighed (1836-1837), Vol.1

Annaler for nordisk oldkyndighed (1838-1839), Vol.2

Annaler for nordisk oldkyndighed (1840-1841), Vol.3

Annaler for nordisk oldkyndighed (1842-1843), Vol.4

Annaler for nordisk oldkyndighed (1844-1845), Vol.5

Another view of Kensington rune stone (1920)

Arne. Early tales and sketches (1882)

Asgard & the Norse heroes (1911)

Asgard and the gods : the tales and traditions of our northern ancestors : forming a complete manuel of Norse mythology adapted from the work of W. Wägner (1902)

Balder the Beautiful (1911), Vol.1

Balder the Beautiful (1911), Vol.2

Balder's death and Loke's punishment (1918)

By fell and fjord (1882)

Catalogue of Norse manuscripts in Edinburgh, Dublin and Manchester (1918)

Catalogue of Runic literature, forming a part of the Icelandic collection bequeathed by Willard Fiske (1918)

Clan traditions and popular tales of the western Highlands and islands (1895)

Commentaries on the Gallic war, and the first book of the Greek paraphrase (1850)

Corpus poeticum boreale, the poetry of the old Northern tongue from the earliest times to the thirteenth century (1883), Vol.1

Corpus poeticum boreale, the poetry of the old Northern tongue from the earliest times to the thirteenth century (1883), Vol.2

Das Nibelungenlied (1921)

Den oldnorske og oldislandske litteraturs historie (1920), Vol. 1

Den oldnorske og oldislandske litteraturs historie (1920), Vol. 2

Den oldnorske og oldislandske litteraturs historie (1920), Vol. 3

Die Klage und das Nibelungenlied (1920)

Essays on questions connected with the Old English poem of Beowulf (1912)

Germanic origins (1892)

Germany, from the earliest period, Vol.1

Germany, from the earliest period, Vol.2

Germany, from the earliest period, Vol.3

Germany, from the earliest period, Vol.4

Greeks and Goths, a study on the runes (1879)

Grimms' complete fairy tales (1900)

Gudrid the Fair (1918)

Gunnar; a tale of Norse life (1874)

Heroes of the Norselands, their stories retold (1903)

History of the Franks (1916)

History of Valentine and Orson (1846)

Illustrated notes on Manks antiquities (1904)

Illustrations of northern antiquities, from the earlier Teutonic and Scandinavian romances; being an abstract of the Book of heroes, and Nibelungen lay (1814)

In northern mists; Arctic exploration in early times (1911), Vol.1

In northern mists; Arctic exploration in early times (1911), Vol.2

In the days of giants; a book of Norse tales (1902)

Islandske folkesagn og aeventyr (1877)

Islendzk aeventyri; isländische Legenden, Novellen und Märchen (1882)

Ivar the Viking : a romantic history based upon authentic facts of the third and fourth centuries (1893)

Kalevala, the land of heroes (1907), Vol.1

Kalevala, the land of heroes (1907), Vol.2

Legends of the Rhine (1895)

Lieder der alten Edda

Life story of Rasmus B. Anderson (1915)

Lyrical songs, idylls and epigrams (1878)

Maal og minne (1910-12)

Maal og minne (1911)

Maal og minne (1913)

Maal og minne (1914)

Maal og minne (1915)

Maal og minne (1916)

Maal og minne (1917)

Manual of mythology. Greek and Roman, Norse, and Old German, Hindoo and Egyptian mythology (1895)

Medallic illustrations of the history of Great Britain and Ireland to the death of George II (1885), Vol.1

Medallic illustrations of the history of Great Britain and Ireland to the death of George II (1885), Vol.2

Myths of northern lands, narrated with special reference to literature and art (1895)

Norse myth in English poetry (1919)

Norse mythology (1884)

Norse mythology; or, The religion of our forefathers, containing all the myths of the Eddas, systematized and interpreted. With an introduction, vocabulary and index (1901)

Norse place-names in Essex (1922)

Norse stories (1902)

Norse stories retold from the Eddas / by Hamilton Wright Mabie ; with illistrations in color and decorations by George Wright (1908)

Northern antiquities: or, A description of the manners, customs, religion and laws of the ancient Danes, and other northern nations; including those of our own Saxon ancestors. With a translation of the Edda, or system of runic mythology, and other pieces, from the ancient Islandic tongue (1770), Vol.1

Northern antiquities: or, A description of the manners, customs, religion and laws of the ancient Danes, and other northern nations; including those of our own Saxon ancestors. With a translation of the Edda, or system of runic mythology, and other pieces, from the ancient Islandic tongue (1770), Vol.2

Old Norse stories (1900)

Original verses and translations (1895)

Origines islandicae; a collection of the more important sagas and other native writings relating to the settlement and early history of Iceland (1905), Vol.1

Origines islandicae; a collection of the more important sagas and other native writings relating to the settlement and early history of Iceland (1905), Vol.2

Out of the Northland; stories from the northern myths (1904)

Poems by Tegnér (1914)

Randvar the songsmith; a romance of Norumbega (1906)

Remarks on a Danish runic stone from the eleventh century (1854)

Runa ABC Boken (1611)

Runes of the night, a book of verse (1916)

Runic and heroic poems of the old Teutonic peoples (1915)

Runic odes from the Norse tongue (1790)

Runir (in Runic characters), seu, Danica literatura antiqvissima (1651)

Scandinavian Britain. With chapters introductory to the subject by F. York Powell (1908)

Social Scandinavia in the Viking age (1920)

Stories and ballads of the far past (1921)

Stories of Norse Gods and Heroes (1894)

Synnöve Solbakken ; Arne, and Early tales and sketches (1885)

Tales from the fjeld, a series of popular tales from the Norse (c.1917)

Teutonic mythology (1882), Vol.1

Teutonic mythology (1882), Vol.2

Teutonic mythology (1882), Vol.3

Teutonic mythology (1882), Vol.4

Teutonic mythology, gods and goddesses of the Northland (1906), Vol.1

Teutonic mythology, gods and goddesses of the Northland (1906), Vol.2

Teutonic mythology, gods and goddesses of the Northland (1906), Vol.3

The age of fable, or, Beauties of mythology (1882)

The Anglo-Saxon runic casket (1901)

The Brown Fairy Book (1904)

The children of Odin (1920)

The classic myths in English literature and in art based originally on Bulfinch's Age of fable (c.1911)

The cross and the hammer; a tale of the days of the vikings (1912)

The dialogue of Salomon and Saturnus, with an historical introd. by John M. Kemble (1848)

The English and Scottish popular ballads (1882), Part 1

The English and Scottish popular ballads (1882), Part 10

The English and Scottish popular ballads (1882), Part 2

The English and Scottish popular ballads (1882), Part 3

The English and Scottish popular ballads (1882), Part 4

The English and Scottish popular ballads (1882), Part 5

The English and Scottish popular ballads (1882), Part 6

The English and Scottish popular ballads (1882), Part 7

The English and Scottish popular ballads (1882), Part 8

The English and Scottish popular ballads (1882), Part 9

The Englishman and the Scandinavian; or, A comparison of Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse literature (1880)

The ethical world-conception of the Norse people (1904)

The first chapter of Norwegian immigration, (1821-1840) its causes and results. With an introduction on the services rendered by the Scandinavians to the world and to America

The Flatey book and recently discovered Vatican manuscripts concerning America as early as the tenth century. Documents now published for the first time, which establish beyond controversy the claim that North America was settled by Norsemen five hundred years before the time of Columbus. Sagas that describe the voyages to, and character of, the new country, and letters from several Popes directing bishops in their government of the church in the western world (1906)

The Franks, from their first appearance in history to the death of King Pepin (1857)

The Frithiof saga (1907)

The Gothic history of Jordanes in English version (1915)

The Heimskringla, a history of the Norse kings (1907), Vol.1

The Heimskringla, a history of the Norse kings (1907), Vol.2

The Heimskringla, a history of the Norse kings (1907), Vol.3

The heroes of Asgard and the giants of Jötunheim (1857)

The heroic legends of Denmark; translated from the Danish and rev. in collaboration with the author (1919)

The heroic life and exploits of Siegfried the dragon slayer; an old German story (1848)

The history of ancient Vinland (1891)

The influence of Old Norse literature upon English literature (1901)

The language of the Konungs skuggsjá (Speculum regale) according to the chief manuscript (1921)

The life and death of Cormac the skald, being the Icelandic Kormáks-saga (1902)

The mythology of the Aryan nations (1870), Vol.1

The mythology of the Aryan nations (1870), Vol.2

The myths of the Rhine (1875)

The nine books of the Danish history of Saxo Grammaticus (1905), Vol.1

The nine books of the Danish history of Saxo Grammaticus (1905), Vol.2

The nine worlds, stories from Norse mythology (1900)

The Norse king's bridal (1912)

The Ogham-runes and El-Mushajjar (1879)

The oldest English epic: Beowulf, Finnsburg, Waldere, Deor, Widsith, and the German Hildebrand (1909)

The order of words in Old Norse prose (1897)

The Orkneyinga saga (1873)

The religion of ancient Scandinavia (1906)

The religion of ancient Scandinavia (1914)

The religion of the Northmen (1854)

The religion of the Teutons (1902)

The Runic Hall in the Danish Old-Northern Museum (1868)

The Saga library (1891), Vol.1

The Saga library (1891), Vol.2

The Saga library (1891), Vol.3

The Saga library (1891), Vol.4

The Scandinavian languages; their historical, linguistic, literary and scientific value. Elucidated by quotations from eminent American, English, German and French scholars. Notices of these languages by H. W. Longfellow (1873)

The song of the madness of the children of Odin, and other poems (1917)

The story of Burnt Njal, the great Icelandic tribune, jurist, and counsellor (1907)

The story of Grettir the Strong (1908)

The story of Siegfried (1888)

The story of Sigurd the Volsung, and the fall of the Niblungs (1914)

The thrall of Leif the Lucky, a story of Viking days (1902)

The viking age: the early history, manners, and customs of the ancestors of the English speaking nations (1889), Vol.1

The viking age: the early history, manners, and customs of the ancestors of the English speaking nations (1889), Vol.2

The vikings at Helgeland; The pretenders (1910)

The Vinland champions (1904)

The Volsunga saga (1907)

The works of Henrik Ibsen (1911-12), Vol.1

The works of Henrik Ibsen (1911-12), Vol.10

The works of Henrik Ibsen (1911-12), Vol.11

The works of Henrik Ibsen (1911-12), Vol.12

The works of Henrik Ibsen (1911-12), Vol.13

The works of Henrik Ibsen (1911-12), Vol.2

The works of Henrik Ibsen (1911-12), Vol.3

The works of Henrik Ibsen (1911-12), Vol.4

The works of Henrik Ibsen (1911-12), Vol.5

The works of Henrik Ibsen (1911-12), Vol.6

The works of Henrik Ibsen (1911-12), Vol.7

The works of Henrik Ibsen (1911-12), Vol.8

The works of Henrik Ibsen (1911-12), Vol.9

The Younger Edda : also called Snorre's Edda, or the Prose Edda. An English version of the foreword ; The fooling of Gylfe, the afterword ; Brage's talk, the afterword to Brage's talk, and the important passages in the Poetical diction (Skáldskaparmál) (1880)

Three northern love stories, and other tales (1901)

Thunor the Thunderer, carved on a Scandinavian font of about the year 1000

Torquil ; or The days of Olaf Tryggvason, with legends, ballads, dreams (1870)

Valhalla: the myths of Norseland. A saga, in twelve parts (1878)

Vestnorske maalføore fyre 1350, Vol.1

Vestnorske maalføore fyre 1350, Vol.2

Vestnorske maalføore fyre 1350, Vol.3

Vestnorske maalføore fyre 1350, Vol.4

Vestnorske maalføore fyre 1350, Vol.5

Viga-Glum's saga. The story of Viga-Glum (1866)

Waifs & Strays of Celtic Tradition (1889), Vol.1

Waifs & Strays of Celtic Tradition (1889), Vol.2

Waifs & Strays of Celtic Tradition (1889), Vol.3

Waifs & Strays of Celtic Tradition (1889), Vol.4

Waifs & Strays of Celtic Tradition (1889), Vol.5

Walhall : Germanische Götter- und Heldensagen für Alt und Jung am deutsche Herd erzählt (1888)

Wodan und Jesus: ein Büchlein von christlichem Deutschtum (1920)

Wonderful stories from northern lands (1871)

*Pages are counted as is, that includes covers/library cards, etc. The amount of pages with actual text might be slightly lower than the original count of 71300.


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