• If you are not satisfied with 3arrowtechnologies services and products you can cancel your order or return merchandise asking for a replacement/refund within 15 days of receipt of shipment.
  • All returns will be tested.  Buyer pays return shipping for all non defective products. Any product found to be damaged through misuse, abuse or negligence is not eligible for replacement.
  • Refund requests are resolved within 14 days after receiving the product. Shipping cost is not refundable.
  • If you have any questions or inquiries concerning return and refund policy, please write us an email.
  • In the case of any product(s) returned for any reason, returned item(s) must be 100% complete, in original condition, with all packaging, manuals, registration card(s), accessories, cables and software.
  • We reserve the right to refuse a return on any product that does not meet these requirements.
  • Shipping and Handling fees are not refundable, with the exception of orders incorrectly shipped