Product Description

Horse shoe on door

WONDER CARE has a diverse range of products with impeccable quality. The motive that drives us towards excellence is to relieve our customers of all distress, physical or otherwise. We are one of the largest manufacturers of orthopedic braces. We have layers of variations within a single category of product. Exploring the diversity, we have a wide range of religious and meditation items. “Rudraksha Mala” is one of our hot selling items. Religious and Meditation products include Rudraksha Mala, Rudraksha beads, horseshoe, chakra healing stone jewelry, singing bowl, and other religious jewelry.


Horseshoes have long been considered lucky. They were originally made of iron, a material that was believed to ward off evil spirits, and traditionally were held in place with seven nails, seven being the luckiest number. The superstition acquired a further Christian twist due to a legend surrounding the 10th-century saint Dunstan, who worked as a blacksmith before becoming Archbishop of Canterbury. The legend recounts that one day, the Devil walked into Dunstan's shop and asked him to shoe his horse. Dunstan pretended not to recognize him, and agreed to the request; but rather than nailing the shoe to the horse's hoof, he nailed it to the Devil's own foot, causing him great pain. Dunstan eventually agreed to remove the shoe, but only after extracting a promise that the Devil would never enter a household with a horseshoe nailed to the door. Hanging the horseshoe in an upward position ("U") holds in all the good luck and the powers it brings. Hanging the horseshoe upside down meant that its powers would fall away and dissipate.

