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Summary :

Sôichi Negishi is a young boy who loves delicate atmospheres and Swedish pop... However, the height of the paradox, he is the unleashed singer-guitarist of DMC (Detroit Metal City), a Death Metal group. Made unrecognizable by an outrageous and provocative make-up in the manner of the group Kiss, supported by the two other members of his group, he scoured the Tokyo independent music scene, vociferating demonic imprecations against a background of noisy electric guitars. The young girl he is secretly in love with, and tries to win over, hates Death Metal. Sôichi, torn between his natural delicacy and his role as the "emperor of darkness" of music will have to manage his double life as skilfully as possible to have a chance of seducing the chosen one of his heart. But life is complicated and the equivocal situations that will follow will make his chances of success very unlikely... 


Product Descriptions


We find this poor Negishi in the middle of Satanic Emperor and it is clear that despite his words, he feels more and more at ease there, the fusion between him and Krauser taking place little by little in spite of him.
The "duels" therefore continue and after his two victories DMC must face Deamz, a Scato Metal band...the author even going so far as to return to the group's thinking with a totally delirious flashback presented as a moving flashback. .we therefore remain in the second degree permanently (and still second degree…). And this time it's Krauser alone who leads the duel, Negishi wanting revenge for having wet his pants because of an excessive occupation of the Deamz toilets! here is an original reason for revenge, we had never seen that! The humor is therefore still as present, but yet it is clear that the effect is diminishing, there is an obvious redundancy, and in wanting to always go further, the author sometimes overdoes it.
The final of this tournament-festival obviously opposes those who were expected there, namely DMC and Helvète, and for once the author pulls out all the stops, with a rise in power from Krauser and superb boards worthy of the great mangas action, like this scene where Krauser emerges from between the flames…powerful, no doubt!
After all this, we catch our breath a little with new independent chapters, allowing new gags… but now the doubt has settled: will the author be able to continue like this for a long time without losing steam?
Unquestionably a good volume, but below those we have read so far!


(Review from

Product details

  • Pin: 208 pages

  • Publisher: Editions 12 bis (April 23, 2009)

  • Collection : Detroit Metal City - DMC

  • Language : French

  • ISBN-10: 2356480692

  • ISBN-13: 978-2356480699

  • Product dimensions: 18 x 1.1 x 13cm


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Sôichi Negishi is a young boy who loves delicate atmospheres and Swedish pop... However, the height of the paradox, he is the unleashed singer-guitarist of DMC (Detroit Metal City), a Death Metal group. Made unrecognizable by an outrageous and provocative make-up in the manner of the group Kiss, supported by the two other members of his group, he scoured the Tokyo independent music scene, vociferating demonic imprecations against a background of noisy electric guitars. The young girl he is secretly in love with, and tries to win over, hates Death Metal. Sôichi, torn between his natural delicacy and his role as the "emperor of darkness" of music will have to manage his double life as skilfully as possible to have a chance of seducing the chosen one of his heart. But life is complicated and