The title of this Multimedia Fanzine is "Shadowstar 28, a GEN . Published by Alvyren Press in 1988. It is 201 pages. Fandoms include Star Wars, It is in good condition. Left bottom corner of front cover is bent from water damage.

Letter from the Editor (1)

Penumbra (2)

Swan Song by Misty Lackey (Diana Tregarde) (10)

Night Dance by Amy Sue Zeier (25)

Where's Lea? by Paula Freda (Star Wars) (25)

Beyond the Maelstrom, part three by Michael Dayne Winkle ("A Victorian World Adventure" - "Being an Account of the Second Journey to the Center of the Earth, and the Great Marvels Found There.") (Jules Verne) (32)

The Whole Truth and Nothing by L.J. Juliano (49)

The Best Things in Life by L.A. Carr (Star Wars) (53)

The Great Selkie by Mary Jean Holmes (The Real Ghostbusters) (65)

Mind Games by Mary Frances Sambreno (97)

Jedi Doozey by Marci Erwin (106)

Firedancing by Roberta Stuemke (original) (108)

Reality Games, part two by Linda Ruth Pfonner (124)

The Empire Strikes Out by Carol Marshall and Catriona Campbell (Star Wars) (156)

Tool of Evil by Marti Schuller (Star Wars) (160)

Graven Image, part two by Mary Wood and Mary Jean Holmes (Star Wars) (171)

Luke, Before the Rebellion by Amy Sue Zeier (201)

ads (202)

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