This COLOR 8x10 Photo of BLUE MAX & CHI TOWN HUSTLER in Action at FREMONT RACEWAY IN 1983. Two of the best looking, strongest running and most popular FUNNY CAR'S ever, here in all there ground pounding fury

Photo is an original print from a high resolution scan of the original negative. The photo is from the archives of long time motorsports photographer Jim Phillipson.

Photographer Jim Phillipson retains all rights to this image. Usage of the image is for personal use only and may not be copied, altered or sold to others without the written consent of Jim Phillipson.

See my store for many more FUNNY CAR photos and more

All photo purchases of 1 or up to 100 ship for a single $3.50 price.

Customers outside the United States please e-mail me for shipping cost. Thanks - MDHA

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