Bounty Hunter Weapons ("FS-9" / "S71" / "Coda"/ Set)

Ich biete hier für das Spiel Star Citizen die Ingame-Waffen FS-9 "Stoneface", S71 "Bullseye" und Coda "Nighthawk" an.

"Behring FS-9 Stoneface LMG - Behring designed the FS-9 to be an overwhelming force on the battlefield. This light machine gun features a full auto mode that makes it ideal for laying down covering fire or holding back advancing enemies. The FS-9 is also acclaimed for its ability to maintain accuracy while unleashing sustained fire."

"Gemini S71 Bullseye Assault Rifle - With the S71, Gemini designed an ergonomic assault rifle ideal for mid-range engagements. Chambered with a smaller caliber round than other weapons in its class, the S71 has become popular among private military professionals for its sleek aesthetics and precise accuracy."

"Kastak Arms Nighthawk Coda Pistol - Often called the Kastak Arms "hand cannon," the Coda can end an engagement with a single .50 caliber round, although the substantial power makes for recoil that’s hard to handle. Considering its limited magazine size and substantial kick, sustained fire is discouraged in favor of more accurate single shots."

Verfügbare Ingame-Waffen:

- FS-9 "Stoneface" LMG
- S71 "Bullseye" Rifle
- Coda "Nighthawk" Pistol
- Set aus allen 3 Waffen

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