The Catit PIXI 6-Meal Feeder Replacement Ice Pack is designed to work with the Catit PIXI Smart 6-Meal Feeder to help keep your cat's food fresh and cool for an extended period. Here are some details about these replacement ice packs:

Compatibility: These ice packs are specifically designed to be used with the Catit PIXI Smart 6-Meal Feeder. They are meant to complement the ice packs that come with the feeder.

Usage: Before using the ice packs, you should place them in your freezer overnight or until they are thoroughly frozen. This typically takes up to 12 hours when stored at temperatures ranging from 25 to -11 degrees Fahrenheit (-4 to -24 degrees Celsius).

Placement: Once frozen, you can insert the Catit PIXI Ice Packs into the designated space underneath the feeding tray of the Catit PIXI Smart 6-Meal Feeder. Placing them in this location helps maintain a cooler environment for the cat food.

Precaution: It's important to avoid putting the feeder on top of heated flooring when using the ice packs. Placing the feeder on a heated surface could compromise the effectiveness of the ice packs in keeping the food cool.

By using these replacement ice packs, you can ensure that your cat's meals remain fresh and safe for consumption, especially during hot weather or when you need to schedule meals in advance.

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