This handmade bedspread will add a touch of beauty and elegance to your home, whether you use it on your bed or as a wall hanging or a gorgeous cover for a sofa or day bed.

The small sections are hand embroidered by women in villages through the desert regions of Rajasthan, India. The sections are then stitched and tied together (mostly by men).

They sell these sections to shops in the larger towns and small cities where the cotton backing is added and the pieces are presented for sale to locals and tourists (domestic and international).

On my various trips to India, I’ve long adored these bedspreads - each of them truly unique - and it gives me great pleasure to make them available here in Australia. I hope you love them too.

We tend to only stock small quantities of these at once. You’ll find any others in our eBay store in the ‘Bedspreads from Rajasthan’ category.

Our pricing is introductory.

Bedspread Queen Patchwork Handmade Embroidery India Rajasthan 1-Y.