COCONUT OIL - Coconut Oil is naturally antibacterial and antifungal, coconut oil for skin is an excellent moisturizer, virgin organic coconut oil for skin can speed up wound healing, and a human study found it to be effective in increasing hydration and reducing water loss in seriously dry skin  The fat in coconut oil helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles on your skin and makes the look healthy due to the nourishing effects of Vitamin E, essential amino acids, lauric acid, and caprylic acid. These form of the barrier function of your skin and help maintain your skin's natural flora (which also makes it good as a natural bug repellent. Since coconut oil is predominantly medium chain fatty acids, it is easily and safely absorbed by the skin. Coconut oil is mainly composed of saturated fats, which are amazing at repairing your skins natural barrier function and can also keep moisture in the skin by slowing down the evaporation. It's quite light as an oil so soaks in well without feeling greasy.
ORGANIC PALM OIL - Beta carotene is a powerful antioxidant that kills off the free radicals which can lead to premature aging by destroying your body cells, including those of your skin. Palm Kernel oil is loaded with antioxidants which prevents the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It also provides protection against harmful UV rays, other toxins, and harsh weather conditions. It is a great skin moisturiser, making the skin soft, smooth and supple.
SHEA BUTTER - Shea butter has been proven to have extensive anti-inflammatory properties. Redness and swelling on your face may be calmed by applying shea butter products. Shea butter’s fatty acid and vitamin K concentration also helps your body to heal faster when your skin barrier has been compromised.  Shea butter’s consistency and semisolid characteristics help your skin to absorb it when it melts at room temperature. The rich tree nut oils in shea butter can soak into your skin, creating a smooth and soft barrier that seals in moisture. This moisturizing effect can last several hours, unlike some other moisturizers that wear off after one hour or less. Shea butter has high levels of oleic, linoleic, and stearic acids. These acids are an effective ingredient to combating oxidative stress, which is the effect the environmental toxins have on your skin cells. This helps your skin to have a healthy turnover of new cells, and also supports the structure and tightness of your skin. The vitamin E in shea butter also helps protect your skin from the UV rays of the sun, although you can’t skip sunscreen just because you use shea butter on your fac
* The strong antibacterial properties of sweet orange essential oil help to heal The skin from B8 of acne. The enzymes in The orange oil keep The skin clean and blemish free. The oil has antiseptic properties that help to prevent bacteria from spreading further and leading to more acne.
* As the aroma of sweet orange is known to be soothing, relaxing, and balancing, making it perfect for evening use or anytime you need to de-stress and get centered.
*Aging is inevitable, but you can slow down the signs of aging by using natural skincare products whenever you can. A natural skincare product that has sweet orange oil as one of the ingredients will help to reduce wrinkles, tighten facial pores, reduce dark spots, plump up fine lines, and restore your skin’s suppleness and elasticity.
*Sweet orange oil in any beauty routine should also be paired with tons of moisture to balance out the astringent aspect and saturate skin with much-needed hydration. Moisture locks in your skin’s water. As you age, your natural levels of moisture drop. This is where natural moisturizing products can help. Regular moisturizing of the skin can help to improve your overall complexion. Once your skin’s moisture has stabilized, it will become smoother. Keeping your skin moisturized will enhance the skin cell rejuvenation that sweet orange oil can promote. This plan can help you prevent fine lines and wrinkles from appearing.
* Vanilla has been proven in studies to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to soothe and calm irritated skin.
* Vanilla has been shown to have anti-bacterial properties and has been used to reduce skin infections and in wound healing.
* Vanilla Bean Extract contains Vanillin, a polyphenol with powerful anti-oxidant properties. Anti-oxidants help to protect against free radical damage and the effects of environmental stresses on the skin.
* Vanilla also contains B vitamins, including niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B6, and pantothenic acid.  All of which help to maintain healthy looking skin.