A city surrounded by yucca trees, cacti, and red sandstone mesas, Sedona’s could easily claim the title of being one of the most scenic destinations in the U.S. Supposedly, Sedona is in the heart of major energy vortex that swirls around the region–and there are multiple sites within Sedona where the vortex concentrates, like spiritual swirls of energy. Those seeking enlightenment flock to Sedona in search of spiritual healing and rejuvenation.

Sedona.net says, “You may feel a range of sensations from a slight tingling on exposed skin, to a vibration emanating from the ground when you encounter a vortex. Most often a vortex is felt by palpable sensation across the nape of the neck and the shoulder blades.”

Along with these vortexes come your gamut of new-age mystics, tarot card readers, and fortune tellers who’ve set up shop along Sedona’s main roads. Shops sell crystal balls and dream catchers alongside statues of Buddha and Hindu deities, like a bastardized mishmash of non-Christian religions. Buy a dashboard Ganesh, get a geode free! Most of these shops seemed to be owned and run by tie-dyed Caucasians, highlighting a stark absence of Native American influence. If Sedona were surrounded by an ethereal energy, wouldn’t the communities who’ve lived in the region for centuries know the most about it?