From the well-kept collection of a meticulous Doll collector: Miss Madra Lord in "Dressed to Kill -- Take 2" Ensemble has been custom made into a brand new softer look for Miss Lord!!


This doll is brand new and was specifically intentioned to be styled as she is. She is in brand new and excellent condition. Her Ensemble is as well brand new and steam pressed right out of the box. Original packaging for The Ensemble is available however shipping cost will be increased. The original Story Card for "Dressed to Kill" as well as the original tag for the dress and the Certificate of Authenticity are included in this lot. Miss Lord wears an off the shoulder evening dress of copper satin, with long dark pink Opera gloves and matching tie back pink shoes. Her jewelry including necklace and earrings are beaded and color coordinated with her dress. She wears pink and red flowers on a headband pinned to her hair with pearl pins, and carries a matching beautifully flowered and beaded dark pink colored muff.


The year is 1941... Miss Madra Lord is preparing for the premiere of her new hit film, "Deep Devotion"with Trent Osborn co-starring.

Monolithic Studios has specifically asked her to wear the gown from the film to the premiere. At the time she agreed to this, she thought it to be a great idea. But now, here she was in her suite at the Ritz-Carlton in New York City dressed in the gown (looking "Dressed to Kill"), ready to go, and anxious as can be... The limo will be arriving to pick her up in approximately 20 minutes. She sips her martini, trying to calm her nerves, while looking at herself in the bathroom mirror. She frowns, and suddenly throws the glass at the mirror and it shatters everywhere.

"Miss, are you alright?" Her maid, Sophie, asks after knocking softly on the door. "I'm fine doll face... Just give me a moment," Madra replies. The dress is designed by Tim Kennedy and is undoubtedly haute couture for the silver screen. Of course, it is a costume...and meant to be larger than life. However, as Madra critiques her appearance, she remembers what a stylist once said to her when she first arrived in Hollywood. The stylist had said that a lady should wear a dress, not the other way around. But she had promised the studio that she would wear it...

All of a sudden, Madra has a brilliant idea! "Sophie, could you come here quickly please? There's no time to lose!" Sophie enters the bathroom, sweeping away some of the glass as she enters.

"Sophie, listen to me carefully. If you will help me and do exactly as I say now, I'll pay you back tenfold! I saw you looking at my travel magazine yesterday by the pool. So you want to go to Havana, yes? Well, I'll send you there, on a paid one week vacation starting tomorrow. How does that sound?" Sophie looked at Madra with surprise, "Miss Lord, of course I'll do whatever you say!"

"Okay, get out your sewing kit and thread a needle with some gold colored thread. But before that fill the iron nice and full with water and set it on steam. Hurry doll!!!" As Sophie turns to do this, Madra slips out of her dress, turning it inside out so that the copper colored silk of the lining glimmers in the bathroom light. She lies it gently on the counter, and then takes out the curling iron and the brush to soften up her hair a bit. It just looked so severe that high... So she pushed her curls down towards her forehead and quickly pinned them in place. Then she framed her face with two curls down each side with the curling iron. A few more pearls added to her hair accessories, she thought, as she heard the clock tick each second away... "Sophie, hurry!!!"

Sophie ran into the room holding her needle in one hand and the iron in the other. "Now what I need is a softer, more approachable look. I've already fixed my hair, how does it look?" Sophie nods and smiles. "Good," says Madra, "now we are going to fold the pointy ends of the bottom of the dress towards the inside while the dress still has the silk on the outside. That's how I'm going to wear it. Just put a few tack stitches and in the right places, so they can be easily removed after the premiere. Then let's bring the shoulder line down and make the dress a little sexier. I'll have the illusion of sleeves while actually showing more of my milky white skin. So just tac stitch the dress a little bit on each side in the front and the back, then we're going to quickly steam it, okay? Both of us together, so that it appears as if there is a little ruching at the hips so that the points of the part of the top of the dress are hidden. Start stitching while I change my necklace to make it look more like a choker."

Madra was making a concerted effort to keep the shrill tone out of her voice, although she could barely control her anxiety and was even shaking a bit. As she put the dress back on, and saw herself in the mirror, she had a sigh of relief! "This might actually do," she said.

"You look beautiful, Miss," Sophie said. "Thanks for all your help doll!" Madra said, "and look, I'm only running 10 minutes behind!" At that moment the telephone started ringing, and Madra, knowing it was the concierge calling to tell her that the limo was ready to collect her, told Sophie not to answer it. She grabbed her flower muff, and as she was rushing out the door, she flashed Sophie a big smile, and said,"call my accountant, tell him I have approved everything for Havana for you and then say the secret word. It's an anagram of my name. Then he will have his secretary make all of your arrangements."

"What's an anagram, Miss?" Sophie asked. "Never mind about that doll, the secret word is: Drama." And just like that, Madra was off to the premiere.

Bonus: as an added delight, a doll-sized poster of Madra's film "Deep Devotion" is included in this lot. Doll stand bearing her name is included. Original packaging of white, "Madra" Ashton Drake box included and is how she will be packed well prior to shipping.