Unicity Bios Life Slim is a fiber-based drink incorporating the latest in nutritional science to help you manage and regulate cholesterol, burn fat, and also control blood glucose levels. Derived from natural ingredients, the proprietary blend in Unicity Bios Life Slim is a safe and easy approach to promote inch loss, boost energy, and control lipid profiles.

As part of a complete approach to improving your health from the inside out, consuming Unicity Bios Life Slim twice a day helps control the rate your body absorbs the glucose in the food you eat. Instead of experiencing an energy rush just after eating a large meal, the proprietary fiber blend in the product helps to spread out the glucose absorption across several hours. This provides a constant supply of energy for your body until your next big meal, thereby minimizing the craving to snack between meals.

Unicity Bios Life Slim doesn’t just assist with inch loss, it helps reduce your appetite and decrease leptin resistance (Leptin is a hormone produced by the fat cells in your body. Its main role is to regulate fat storage and how many calories you eat and burn), in addition, to help you maintain healthy triglyceride and cholesterol levels.