Gemstone Extensions 8pc Set Silver for Chakra Solfeggio Tuning Forks Allen key Included

Gemstone extensions for tuning forks are accessories that can be added to the end of a tuning fork to enhance the healing properties of the sound vibrations. They are usually made of natural gemstones such as quartz or crystal. An Allen key is a small tool that can be used to tighten or loosen screws, it is often included with the gemstone extension to help with installation. Please be careful when using them and also make sure they are packaged safely when transporting them.

Each extension corresponds to the Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Crown and Soul Purpose Chakra. Using this set of extensions adds a new dimensions and versatility to your sound healing instruments. Waving the tuning fork around the body can send healing vibrations through the atmosphere of the aura, etheric light, or bio-field. Placing the extension on various pressure points can stimulate the meridian lines and nerve plexuses and massage different areas of the body while simultaneously applying the healing benefits of the gemstones.

Each gemstone is associated with many sound healing benefits. For those who are drawn to crystals, crystal healing is intuitively understood. Many people often feel a connection to their gemstones and crystals, perhaps because of the connection between crystals, light, and the electromagnetic field of the brain. For thousands of years, people have associated different types of crystals, gemstones, and minerals with different energies, healing benefits, and effects on consciousness. With modern technology, it is easier to observe how those connections are possible.

Root Chakra - Red Chalcedony

Sacral Chakra - Tiger's Eye

Solar Plexus Chakra - Citrine

Heart Chakra - Green Jade

Throat Chakra - Agate

Third Eye - Lapis Lazuli

Crown Chakra - Rose Quartz