I ship internationally by numerous options including Europe, Canada, United Kingdom, UK, England, France, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Belgium, Hungary, Asia, South America, Brazil, Argentina, Portugal, Japan, Australia, Singapore, Korea, New Zealand, Peru, South Africa, Hong Kong and China to name a few!


This vehicle is clean, the sticker placement is good. Nothing has been glued or repaired. It is COMPLETE. 

The fast attack cab has the front tab intact that keeps the armored canopy snapped into place - often broken off. The original machine gun ring fits tight and the machine gun has an intact tip. The rear connector are tight and the rear wheels rolls smooth.

The Main body automatic cannon vehicle has the rear hitch intact, both missile pods have all their missiles and fit snug and rotate in the body fine. The internal latch that holds the main cannon is INTACT and is still able to hold the cannon in place. The bottom latch enables the two body piece to slide/extend out and in and STAY IN PLACE - this is often worn or broken due to age and play and the sellers don't acknowledge it.

The cannon is in very good condition, all clasps attach to each other as they should, the cannon assembly rotates fine and the center gun end cap is present - often lost. The support ring and all FOUR support legs fit snug and hold position,The tabs appear to be intact, everything fits together well.

ALL WHEELS FIT INTO THE BODIES TIGHT and roll smooth. Please look at the plus 80 pictures- of every angle I have provided, in high resolution, to make your own decision on the grade of the item - good luck finding another sale where this much detail is disclosed!

The Mean Dog is another 6WD vehicle the GI Joe team first put through its paces in 1988, but it's different than the others in one startling way. You see, the Mean Dog can split into three separate components when necessary, depending on conditions in the field.

Though it is very advanced, technically speaking, the Mean Dog is also built very tough. This was quite fortunate, for it is typically driven by the GI Joe operative known as Wild Card, who has a tendency to break anything he touches. The Mean Dog has these capabilities:

Automatic Cannon Vehicle: the rear half of the Mean Dog, this powerful vehicle is driven by an V-10 830 BHP super-charged main engine drive - and it needs that power to haul its weaponry around.

Body Armor: the Mean Dog's components are lined with 70mm thick aluminum and hardened steel plating, providing its occupants the Protection rating listed for each. This armor defends everyone except for the brave operator of the Mean Dog's Spitfire cannon.

Communications Array: each half of the Mean Dog is equipped with a gigahertz frequency, frequency wobbler clandestine operations radio system. This makes for Typical communications power (with a 250 mile range) that has remarkable ranked signal encryption.

Deflection: both halves of the Mean Dog are equipped with sloped deflection armor on their front canopies. This grants them poor deflection against frontal attacks, no matter the type or origin that such attacks may take.

Fast Attack Scout Vehicle: when necessary, the front half of the Mean Dog can split off from the rear, moving along thanks to a tripod wheel that extends from its linkage with the ACV.

Fire Ring Turret: the FASV portion of the Mean Dog is equipped with a .50 cal machine gun mounted on a small pivoting ring turret. It can be fired to inflict excellent shooting damage in a short burst, raised to remarkable shooting damage when fired full auto.

Multi-Max Missiles: the Mean Dog carries twelve of these, half in each of two 'box' missile banks on each side of the ACV half of its body.

Rear Personnel Platform: the Mean Dog has plenty of room in each of its components, but sometimes there's a whole lot of Joe passengers and not enough seats. In such situations, two additional Joes can hang onto the rear of the vehicle, standing on this platform.

Spitfire Stand Alone Automatic Cannon: the main weapon of the Mean Dog, its Spitfire cannon is normally mounted on the rear of the vehicle, atop the ACV, but can be removed if necessary in order to serve as a, well, stand alone weapons station.

This 20mm cannon can fire up to 3,000 rounds per minute, which translates into 300 rounds per turn. It inflicts incredible shooting damage per burst, and has enough rounds available to sustain this rate of fire for several minutes before it runs out.


WILD CARD: He is in fair condition, his shoulders and elbow swivels are not tight and his neck ball is very loose - tight knees, some obvious paint wear and paint rubs, New O-ring and no screw rust. Appearance: brown hair and mustache; torn open green vest; black wristbands; dark red pants; grey boots. Accessories: original tall, medium green helmet; original open, grey sheath backpack; replacement grey machete with blade widening near top. I am also including a tight black rifle, the figure stand pictured is included. The 1991 IMPEL Card #153 is near mint and great for display.

FASTDRAW: He has good joints, some obvious paint wear and paint rubs, New O-ring and no screw rust. Appearance: red helmet with green chinstrap; green shirt and pants; grey padded vest, leggings, and boots; blue backpack straps and belt; red gloves and knee pads. Accessories: a black bazooka, a black submachine gun and the figure stand pictured is included. The two 1991 IMPEL cards #61 are near mint and great for display.

CREW: The crew is comprised of three figures, 2 from the Wolrd Peacekeeper figure line and one from LANARD. They come with the weapons and figure stand shown.

WILDCARD possesses an unnatural talent for breaking things. Sturdy steel machines, simple tools, delicate toys, immovable objects of cast iron, 8-piece dinner settings; nothing is immune to his uncanny destructive powers! Fortunately, that which is judged to be an abominable affliction in civilian circles can be a valuable skill in military ones!
"When Wildcard is driving the Mean Dog, the vehicle becomes an extension of himself; a raging engine of destruction, pulverizing all in its path. If the enemy, by sheer luck, manages to knock out the Mean Dog, they then put themselves in the position of having to deal with Wildcard directly! You could go so far as to call that a violation of the Geneva Convention!"

Eric Scott showed at an early age that he'd be perfect for a life in the military. This wasn't because he was incredibly violent, superbly organized or particularly patriotic, so much as the man can't help but destroy anything he gets his hands on for more than a few seconds. An uncanny and almost unnatural ability he has no control over, Eric has inflicted it upon everything he's encountered in life, from delicate toys to immovable objects of cast iron. Trying to direct this constructively, Eric enlisted and became an armored vehicle driver.

Having a spiritual side most folks wouldn't readily guess at, Eric has also specialized as a chaplain's assistant, which comes in handy when his fellow soldiers need someone to talk to. Only being a chaplain's assistant, Eric can still make use of weaponry in the field. And he has, on numerous occasions. This particular history caused Eric to be noticed by the Gi Joe team, who often uses Chaplains as a sort of cover. Their first two bases were under the Fort Wadsworth Chaplain's Assistant school, and their third was designated a supply depot for such.

Actually having a legitimate chaplain's assistant only helped the Gi Joe team's various covers, and Eric's uncanny ability behind the wheel of an armored vehicle didn't help either. Recruited onto the team, Eric quickly made it through their entrance exam, joining the Joes full time. He was then placed in charge of the Mean Dog, a powerful six wheeled vehicle that can actually split into two separate rides, though this is often dangerous; you see, while vehicles seem to become an extension of his destructive ability, they're still subject to it.

Ever since his very first meeting with his new teammates, Eric has managed to demonstrate his bizarre 'talent' on both the Mean Dog and everything around it. Working under the code name of Wild Card, Eric has been involved in a bevy of high profile Gi Joe missions. His very first day on the job, alongside Skidmark and Windmill, saw the team's new Pit headquarters infiltrated by Cobra's Star-viper. Eric also saw serious action against Cobra in New Jersey, near the town of Broca Beach, as well as during the Battle of Benzheen. In fact, Eric arrived there before the Battle of Benzheen became such, being sent there with Clutch and Rock 'n Roll to provide support for a heavily out-gunned Joe team working in the area. He even got to ride on the Gi Joe shuttle en route - much to his teammates' dismay.

They were worried he'd touch something and cause the vehicle to come crashing down to earth.

Eric continued on with the Gi Joe team for the duration of its first incarnation, working with its heavily armed and armored vehicles right up to the end. His last assignment saw him testing out the Monster Blaster APC, once it was outfitted with an experimental rail gun!




I Combine Shipping by starting with the HIGHEST SH QUOTE; it is then an additional $1.00 Per Figure.*Two or more vehicles are based on actual shipping weight