Measures 8-5/32" X 11-5/32", 98 pp including covers, b&w photos, Volume 11, No. 5 (May 1961), published by Billboard Publishing Co.   (MA).

Group 7-1879



Notes From Abroad -- by KURT BLAUKOPF

Letters (Letters from readers)
A Note From Timbuktu -- by ROBERT C. MARSH

Four Russians Called Budapest (the BUDAPEST STRING QUARTET) -- by PHILIP HART

Prokofiev On The Patio (Wiring The Exterior For Sound) -- by NORMAN EISENBERG

DONIZETTI :  Composer On The Rebound -- by PATRICK CAIRNS HUGHES

A Short Guide To DONIZETTI On Records -- by HERBERT GLASS

Noise:  The Uninvited Guest (Tips for eliminating extraneous sounds from your hi-fi systems & recordings) -- by DONALD C. HOEFLER

High Fidelity Equipment Reports (New & recommended products for hi-fi systems)

Music Makers -- by ROLAND GELATT

Records In Review:  
     Rimsky's Russian Fairy Tale, In Full And To Fine Effect -- by CONRAD L. OSBORNE
     The Sound And Sentiment Of Robert Schumann -- by ROBERT C. MARSH
     Plus others

The Romantic Piano Concerto:  A Discography -- by HARRIS GOLDSMITH

The Lighter Side (Non-classical recordings in review)

Jazz (record reviews)

The Tape Deck (Tape recordings in review) -- by R. D. DARRELL

High Fidelity Newsfronts

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