Product Overview

Can't remember which of your batteries you charged, or just want to check how much charge is left in a pack, grab yourself a Smart Guard 3.

When using the Smart Guard 3 with any Lithium (LiPo, LiIon, LiFe) or Nickle (NiCd/NiMH) based battery packs you will be able to instantly see the overall voltage and capacity (displayed as a percentage) of the pack when connected. As well as providing this overview in an instant you can view the voltage difference between the highest and lowest voltage cell as well as the individual cell voltage within the battery (Lithium Cells Only). In the instance the pack is out of balance the Smart Guard 3 can balance discharge the pack so that the individual cells are all the same voltage making charging and using the battery safer (Lithium Cells Only).

In addition to all this functionality the Smart Guard 3 has the ability to setup and test your models with the built in servo tester. By connecting your servo you can centre and test your endpoints easily with the integrated Servo output port, meaning you don't have to have all the radio gear installed in your rc model to get it set up correctly.

Finally, all of the information is displayed on a large backlit screen making it easy to read whatever the light level is.
