Freewell Variable ND 2-5stop Filter for DJI Mavic 3 / Mavic 3 Cine Drone

At Freewell we always listen to our buyer feedback thinking of ways to make their day to day shoot convenient, quick & easy for this reason we have made the industry-first Variable ND Filters for drone compatible with Mavic 3, Mavic 3 Cine, These hard stop Variable ND reduces the chance of cross-polarization & vignette suited for quick & easy solution to avoid changing filters on the field.

Main Features:

  • 2-5 Stop which also represents ND4 to ND32 is a perfect filter for a normal day condition covering your needs from cloudy days to a normal sunny day
  • Optics: Freewell 4K Series optics offers the industry best optic possible in the drone category out beating or matching any other brand out there.
  • Freewell sets the standard of optic coating with Dustproof, Scratch-resistant, Oilproof, Color Neutral making it the most high standard optics on the market.
  • Gimbal Safe: Freewell Gimbal safe technology design every single filter based on each drone ensuring no negative effect on a gimbal.
  • High quality unique designed for easy installation and removal
  • Compatible Drones: Mavic 3, Mavic 3 Cine



Q: What is the best-recommended setting to shoot with VND?

A: Expose your shot to have a proper motion blur. Adjust the white balance to your liking thinking about the color grading you will be doing. Film in flat profile (Dlog) for a better color grading. If your drone/Action Camera/Gimbal allows you to change the sharpness and contrast of the image you can tweak those to your liking too.

Q: Is variable ND also polarizer filter?

A: Although variable ND is made of 2pcs polarizer filter they do not provide or help to reduce polarization as once you have 2 pieces of glass they act as reducing the light coming to your sensor.

Q: Can I take Panorama with Variable ND?

A: No, you cannot take panorama pictures with variable ND or with any hybrid filter which has 2 pieces of glass such as CPL, ND/PL reason being polarizer filter acts in a very specific way to the angle of the light, change the angle by a few degrees and you can get a dramatically different polarizing effect.

Q: Is variable ND suitable for pictures?

A: In most cases YES you can use variable ND even for pictures however you may have some tint which can be corrected in post, Variable ND is best suited for video when you are on the field to avoid changing the filters by simply turning the filter to set your need.

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