This starter kit includes one ES100 WWVB receiver module , the carrier board kit and 2 antennas fine-tuned to 60kHz together with an antenna holder and 2 mounting screws.

For details about the ES100 WWVB BPSK Atomic Clock Receiver please see the product description of the receiver module here on our website.

We also provide a code example for Arduino to easily read the received and decoded time and date information and send it over a serial connection.

Additionally, we have a fully-fledged ES100 WWVB Application Development Kit (DIY Soldering Kit) to help engineer develop their own commercial project.

The kit we offer here contains:
- 1 x ES100-MOD 3.3V Receiver Module
- 1 x ES100-MOD Carrier Board (DIY Kit)
- 2 x Antenna 60kHz (60 x 10mm)
- 1 x Antenna holder 90 degrees
- 2 x mounting screws for the antenna holder

Please note that the ES100-MOD Carrier Board is a DIY soldering kit and not already factory assembled.

For the documentation please see the ES100-MOD catalogue page .