Herbal tea for weight loss is a mixture of natural herbs that have a rich taste both hot and cold and provide weight loss, benefit digestion, increase metabolic activity and improve skin conditions.

First of all, this tea provides vitamins and trace elements to your body, lowers cholesterol in the blood, accelerates fat burning, protects cells from free radical damage and gives vigor for an active life and exercise. With regular use, excess weight goes away gradually, but surely. At the same time, you do not need to count calories and go on a diet, it is enough to exclude fast food, semi-finished products and sweets based on margarine.

One of the components of tea is the pentafillum gynostemma - it has an effect on lowering blood pressure, reducing blood fat, lowering blood sugar levels and slowing aging.

The components of this herbal tea are grown exclusively in ecologically clean areas.


Method of administration and dosage:

1. Pour one filter bag with a glass of boiling water (200 ml)

2. Cover the cup with a lid and let it brew for about 5 minutes

3. Mix and lightly press down the tea bag with a spoon, revealing the aroma of herbs

4. Take adults 1 glass 2 times a day with meals or for half an hour after meals

5. The course of admission is 10 days

6. If necessary, the reception can be repeated after 1 month. Repeated receptions are possible throughout the year.

Please note - the first time a user must use 1 filter pack per day


Moringa leaves, mallow, alfalfa, senna, green tea, lotus leaf, cassia seeds, gynostemma pentaphyllum


