Giddar/Siyar Singhi Fur Ball ~ Rare Gift Of Nature

Yes, It is alive & it grows hair without any support !


Warning: Please be warned of fraudulent sellers duplicating my listings & copyright photos and scamming people by selling fake items. All my items are 100% genuine, tested, handpicked & energised by myself.





**** Limited stock ****




Size Approx: 4cm to 6cm dia

(Please be advised that these are natural product's which means the size, shape & colour may vary)





The Earth possesses many strange, rare, wondrous and magical objects. This particular item is considered one of those mysterious treasures that are extremely rare and difficult to find.  The sounds of a jackal can be heard at midnight, especially if it is a full moon night. This horn attracts supernatural energies that allows one to see beyond what anyone else can see or sense. This item has very unusual and strange powers. This is used by great Tantrics, shamans and occult tribes in magical rituals in order to gain supernatural powers, love attraction, invoke spirits, communicate with the dead, punish enemies, etc.  It's spirit protects its owner at all times. It is used for self-protection or for harm to others. Please contact me for further information if you are interested in purchasing this item.


Significance and benefits

Very powerful natural talisman that removes obstacles &  helps acquirer gain & benefit from supernatural powers

Please note that this article is used in both positive and negative practices!

***.Please use wisely***.

Attention: This item is for serious buyers only - We should try to use such items for good causes but can be used in other purposes if it become extremely necessary.


 Types & Benefits: (Choose from the drop down list option)

Swarna (Golden) - This is most rarest & and most powerful

Male & Female Pair - All over good health, wealth gains, career opportunities & family protection

Male - Protection from enemies, Lawsuit, winning court cases, increase chances in winning the lottery/gambling

Female - Protects family from negative energies, wealth gains, career opportunities

Black / Female - communication with the dead / ghosts/spirits. It is believed ghosts, demons, black magic etc cannot harm the possessor of this particular horn.

Mohini - a rare horn which only grows 10-15 strands of hair. It helps one attract/charm desired person. Used in love, relationships and attraction spells/magic.

Chopa - reveals hidden jealous back stabbing enemies. Nothing will be hidden from you, if so it will eventually ​come out.

Baiz - black and white horn is kept to increase / gain wisdom, knowledge and metaphysical / supernatural powers.


How to use it

Please contact be for information on how to use as every ones needs and purposes are unique.




Please contact for more information


I am blessed with the knowledge of my ancestors passed down to me through a long tradition. I use my wisdom wisely in my magical work. You can be sure that you are buying from a reputable source.

Thanks for checking


Blessed be




We ship from Monday to Saturday (except holidays) between 3pm and 6pm. For most of our items we use Royal Mail second class. We can only send to the address specified on your account. Therefore, make sure that this is correct.

Note: Please note that we are required by law to state that our magical items are sold for entertainment purposes only. We cannot guarantee that you will achieve the desired result with our herbs, potions and oils. Magical items should not be used in place of medical advice and treatment. Our articles may not be taken. If you use ointment oils, we recommend performing a skin test first.