Frühjahrsaufräumaktion! Ich verkaufe einige Dinge aus meiner Wohnung! Die Kamera ist nicht mehr vorhanden. Also werden die Kassetten nicht mehr benötigt!

H i n w e i s e  z u m  A r t i k e l:

  • Sony Media Digitale Videocassette DVM-60PR
  • Digitale Videocassette
  • Sony Media
  • DVM60PR DVM-60PR
  • Unbenutzt und ungeöffnet originalverpackt!

Das Kleingedruckte:

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Please ask any questions before bidding. The item is sold "as is" from private to private. Damage or major optical defects are mentioned separately in the item description. If necessary, please ask questions. By placing a bid, you expressly agree to completely waive the warranty / guarantee to which you are entitled by law for used and new goods. Do not bid if you do not agree with these rules. It is an auction and a sale from private to private under exclusion of any guarantee / warranty. In order to avoid problems on the postal way, I dispatch exclusively by German post office / DHL as insured dispatch (on express desire of the buyer and on risk of the buyer up to the purchase price of 30.00 euros also as uninsured, slower however more favorable consignment of goods/letter/package). I will pay the eBay fees, the shipping costs will be paid by the buyer.