Take your dog's dining experience to new heights with FURESH Premium Dry Dog Food Kibble, expertly crafted from fresh and safe ingredients to deliver unparalleled nutrition and flavor. Our convenient individual packs are designed for effortless portion control, ensuring your furry friend receives the perfect amount with every meal.

Choose from three delicious options tailored to meet your dog's specific needs: our Puppy Dog Food Formula supports healthy growth and development, our Adult Dog Food with the All Stages Formula provides complete nutrition for dogs of all ages, and our Skin and Coat Formula promotes a lustrous, healthy coat from within. Each variant is formulated with premium ingredients and are classed as no chicken dog food because of the delicious natural balance limited ingredient duck formula, that delivers the essential nutrients your dog needs to thrive.

At the heart of FURESH is a commitment to quality and safety. We source only the freshest ingredients, carefully selected to meet the highest standards of nutrition and taste. Our handy little packs not only preserve the freshness of our recipe but also make feeding time a breeze, whether you're at home or on the go.

Rest assured, our formulas are free from nasty ingredients like animal by-products, GMOs, artificial flavorings, and preservatives. We believe in using only natural, recognizable ingredients to provide your dog with the wholesome nutrition they deserve.

Treat your beloved furry friend to the wholesome goodness of FURESH Premium Dry Dog Food Kibble and experience the joy of watching them thrive on a diet tailored to perfection. Invest in their well-being today and give them the gift of optimal health and vitality—with our all natural balanced dry dog food.


NATURAL DRY DOG FOOD: Our FURESH Premium Dry Dog Food Kibble comes with 48 individually portioned packets, ensuring optimal freshness, effortless portion control, and convenient transport wherever you go. Say goodbye to stale kibble and hello to every meal bursting with flavor and nutrition. Plus, it's dog food without chicken meaning a happier, healthier pup tummy. 


SMALL KIBBLE SUITABLE AS PUPPY DOG FOOD + ADULTS: Designed with your dog's well-being in mind, our dry dog kibble recipe features specially crafted small kibbles that are easy to chew and digest, promoting better nutrition absorption and overall digestive health. Plus, the irresistible aroma of our fresh recipes will have your furry friend eagerly anticipating mealtime. So picky eaters—beware!


HEALTHIER ALTERNATIVE DOG FOOD: Is your dog a picky eater or struggling with various health issues? Our FURESH dog food is the answer! Packed with premium Duck and Salmon meat, along with a blend of essential vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids, and superfoods like Ginseng Root, our recipe is tailored to address a range of concerns. Whether your dog has a sensitive stomach, skin issues, dental problems, or is recuperating, our formula provides the necessary nutrients for optimal health and vitality.


COMPLETE NUTRITION BEST DOG FOOD: Give your dog the gift of complete and balanced nutrition with FURESH Premium Dry Dog Food Kibble. Our carefully crafted recipe contains all the essential protein, vitamins, and minerals needed to support your pet's long-term health and well-being. From promoting skin and coat health to building strong joints and boosting immunity, our formula has it all. Even newborn pups with teeth can enjoy our easily digestible kibble, ensuring every stage of life is supported with wholesome nutrition.


NO ADDED INGREDIENTS: When it comes to what's in your dog's food, quality matters. That's why our FURESH dog food contains no animal by-products, no GMOs, no artificial flavorings, no artificial colorings, no preservatives, and no fillers. We believe in using only natural, recognizable ingredients—nothing extra. With FURESH, you can trust that every meal is crafted with your dog's health and happiness in mind.