Discover uninterrupted radio entertainment with the Roberts Rechargeable Battery Pack, designed specifically for the brand's esteemed 93i and Stream 94i radios. Paired with these top-of-the-line devices, this battery pack promises extended play time, hassle-free charging, and a leap towards greener technology. Allow us to delve deeper into this efficient companion that goes hand in hand with your favourite radio.

Extended Playtime: The Symphony of Uninterrupted Entertainment

The Roberts Rechargeable Battery Pack for 93i and Stream 94i radios conducts a beautiful symphony of uninterrupted entertainment. It allows for prolonged playtime, reducing the frequency of recharging and maximising your enjoyment of your favourite radio stations and podcasts. No interruptions, no unexpected power cuts- just pure, seamless listening experience.

Compatible Design: The Rhythm of Precision Engineering

The rhythm of precision engineering shines through the battery pack’s design, which is tailored to snugly fit the 93i and Stream 94i radios. The meticulous design ensures a seamless fit and easy installation, ensuring that your radio’s performance is not compromised, but rather enhanced. With compatibility at its heart, you get a flawless connection that’s easy to manage and maintain.

Hassle-free Charging: The Ballad of Convenience

Roberts sings a delightful ballad of convenience with the design of this rechargeable battery pack. It charges directly in the radio, eliminating the need for external chargers or cables. Just plug your radio into a power outlet and the battery pack charges while inside the unit. No more wrestling with wires or searching for the right adapter- your convenience is paramount, and Roberts ensures it stays that way.

Eco-Friendly: The Melody of Green Technology

The battery pack strums the strings of environmental consciousness, playing the melody of green technology. Unlike disposable batteries that contribute to hazardous waste, this rechargeable battery pack can be reused multiple times, thus minimising its impact on the environment. It's a small yet significant step towards eco-friendly technology that not only benefits you but also the environment.

Reliable Performance: The Tempo of Consistent Power Delivery

Living up to the hallmark of Roberts quality, this rechargeable battery pack adheres to the tempo of consistent power delivery. Whether you are indulging in an all-day radio marathon or catching up with your favourite podcasts before bedtime, trust this battery pack to ensure steady power and reliable performance, all day, every day.

Features & Benefits

Technical Specifications

Summary of the Roberts Rechargeable Battery Pack for 93i and Stream 94i Radios

Extended and Seamless Entertainment: The Symphony of Uninterrupted Playtime

The Roberts Rechargeable Battery Pack orchestrates a symphony of uninterrupted playtime. An empowered alternative to traditional batteries, it ensures your 93i or Stream 94i radio offers prolonged entertainment. Looking forward to sinking into a radio play or keeping abreast with the latest news? This battery pack guarantees hours of effortless listening, free from interruptions.

Tailored for Your Radio: The Rhythm of Superlative Compatibility

The battery pack hums along the rhythm of superlative compatibility. Exclusively designed for the 93i and Stream 94i radios, it provides an exquisite fit, ensuring easy installation and flawless performance. This high compatibility allows for seamless power delivery, taking your radio entertainment to a new level of convenience and efficiency.

Simplicity at Its Best: The Ballad of Hassle-Free Charging

The Roberts Rechargeable Battery Pack sings a delightful ballad of hassle-free charging. It charges directly in your radio — less fuss, more freedom. This feature saves you from managing additional cables or chargers, simplifying your setup and enhancing your overall user experience.

A Nod Towards Sustainability: The Melody of Environmentally Friendly Design

Roberts plays the heartwarming melody of environmentally friendly design with this rechargeable battery pack. By offering a reusable battery solution, it provides a greener option compared to disposable batteries. This move aligns with a conscious lifestyle choice, advocating a lower environmental impact while enjoying high-quality radio entertainment.

Dependable Power Source: The Tempo of Steady Performance

Lastly, the rechargeable battery pack harmonises with the tempo of steady performance. It isn’t just about providing power but ensuring a consistent and reliable flow. Whether you're immersed in a thrilling radio drama or soothing classical music, this Roberts battery pack stands ready, ensuring your radio session isn't abruptly cut short, offering you the ultimate radio experience.