The classic version of Absolut Torr that has been available in Swedish pharmacies since the 1980s. An extra effective antiperspirant with effect for up to 7 days. Can be used against all types of sweat, e.g. armpit sweat, hand sweat and foot sweat as well as against hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). No perfume or dyes.

Absolut Torr contains aluminum chloride in alcohol, which reacts with proteins in the sweat ducts in the outer layer of the skin. The normally open sweat ducts are "plugged" and sweat cannot pass through to the skin surface. The body's excess heat is released through the millions of sweat glands on other parts of the skin. Aluminum chloride also has a good antibacterial effect that reduces the development of bad odor.

Absolut Torr is applied to the skin with a dab-o-matic applicator. 

Please note that Absolut Torr contains aluminum chloride which may cause burning, itching and stinging in the skin. The discomfort is usually due to the fact that the skin was not completely dry when applied. Therefore, be sure to dry the skin well before use. The discomfort is usually temporary; if it persists, wash off Absolut Torr and try again the next night.


When the product is new - assemble the dab-on applicator like this:
Unscrew and discard the black cap. Hold the bottle firmly against a hard surface (to avoid spilling the contents) and press the applicator firmly into the bottle neck using the white cap. Then screw down the white cap so that the applicator is securely attached to the bottle. Since Absolut Torr contains alcohol that evaporates easily, the cap should always be tightly screwed on when the bottle is not in use.

Use Absolut Torr like this:

Absolut Torr is a very active product that can be felt on the skin. To achieve full effect and avoid stinging on the skin, it is important that the skin is completely dry when you apply (dab on) Absolut Torr. Wash the skin and dry well with a towel. Let the skin air dry for a while longer.

Newly shaved skin easily becomes irritated - you should not shave under your arms during the next day before applying Absolut Torr. If Absolut Torr is applied in the evening, it is perfectly fine to shave the skin the morning after.

Apply (dab on) Absolut Torr on the skin, such as in the armpit, an hour before going to bed in the evening and let it dry - it normally takes only a minute. Let the skin air dry.

Wash off the skin in the morning. If desired, you can use a regular scented deodorant, but it is not necessary. Absolut Torr keeps the skin dry and odor-free for up to 7 days.

Usually, it is enough to repeat the treatment once a week. You can try out the appropriate intervals yourself.