A book of Roxburghe ballads, edited by John Payne Collier, Esq. Published by Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, London, 1847. First Edition. Hardcover. Text is printed in older style fonts inside simple line borders after the manner of a 17th century English imprint. Occasional small decorative initials and headpieces are present. Illustrated.

This book is a collection of Ancient Songs and Ballads written on various subjects and printed between 1550 and 1700. Originally collected by Robert Harley, 1st Earl of Oxford and Mortimer (1661–1724), later collected by John Ker, 3rd Duke of Roxburghe.

According to the introduction: "The main purpose of the ensuing collection is to shew, in their most genuine state, the character and quality of productions, written expressly for the amusement of the lower orders, in the reigns of Elizabeth, James, and Charles."

Ballad: “A popular narrative song passed down orally. In the English tradition, it usually follows a form of rhymed (abcb) quatrains alternating four-stress and three-stress lines.”


*Death’s Dance

To the Tune of " Oh, no, no, no, not yet.

*The World's Sweetheart

To the Tune of "The Beggar Boy."

*Christmas' Lamentation

To the Tune of " Now the Spring is come.”

*The Gentleman in Thracia

To the Tune of "Chevy Chafe.”

*Ragged and Torn and True

To the Tune of " Old Simon the King.”

*The Complaint of King James

Written by Ulpian Fulwell

*The Devil and the Scold

To the Tune of "The Seminary Prieft."

*The Lamentation of Friendſhip

Written by Thomas Churchyard.

*Mock-Beggar's Hall

To the Tune of "It is not your Northern Nanny”

*A Larum Bell for London

Written by John Carre

*The Bride's Goodmorrow

To a pleasant new Tune

*The Soldier's Repentance

To the Tune of "Calino."

*The Widow of Watling Street .

To the Tunes of “Bragandary," and "The Wanton Wife"

*Cupid's Courtefie

To a moft pleafant Northern Tune.

*My Wife will be my Malter

To the Tune of "A Tailor is no Man."

*The Conftancy of True Love

To the Tune of "Down by a Foreft."

*Few Words are beft

To the Tune of "I'll tell you but fo”

*The Merchant's Daughter of Briftol

To the Tune of "The Maiden's Joy”

*My Pretty Little One

To a pleafant new Tune.

*The Devil driven away by Women

To the Tune of "Death's Dance”

*The Lamentation of England

By W. M., to the Tune of "Weep, weep”

*Be Merry Friends

By John Heywood, to a new Tune.

*Epitaph on Bihop Jewell

Written by William Elderton.

*The Father's Admonition

To the Tune of "Grim King of Ghofts”

*The Praife of Nothing

To the Tune of "Though I have but a mark a year”

*The Norfolk Farmer's Journey to London

To the Tune of "The Spanifh Pavin”

*Conftance of Cleveland.

To the Tune of "Crimfon Velvet”

*The Song of the Caps

To the Tune of "The Shaking of the Sheets”

*Sack for my Money

To the Tune of "Wet and Weary”

*The Brave Englifh Gipfey

To the Tune of "The Spanifh Gipfey”

*The Subftance of all the late intended Treafons

Written by Thomas Nelfon

*The Bull's Feather

To a very pleafant new Tune.

*The Weft Country Damfel's Complaint

To the Tune of "Johnny Armftrong”

*The Common Cries of London

By W. Turner, to the Tune of "Watton Town's End”

*The Two Valentines

To the Tune "Did you fee Nan to-day."

*The Great Booby

To the Tune of "Sellenger's Round."

*The Tragedy of Hero and Leander

To the Tune of "I will never love thee more”

*The Royal Recreation of Jovial Anglers

To the Tune of "Amarillis"

*Keep a good Tongue in your Head

By Martin Parker, to the Tune of "The Milk Maids”

*The Milk-maid's Life

By M. Parker, to the Tune of "The Milk Maid's Dumps”

*The Bachelor's Feaft

By Lawrence Price, to the Tune of "With a hie dill do dill”

*The Mifer and the Prodigal

To the Tune of "To drive the cold Winter away”

*Wit's never good till 'tis Bought

To the Tune of "Baffe's Career”

*A Caveat for Cutpurfes

To the Tune of "Packington's Pound."

*The Houfeholder's New-year's Gift

To the Tune of "Where is my true Love"

*The Time's Abufes

To the Tune of "Over and Under”

*The Lover's Complaint

To a pleafant new Tune.

*The Coach's Overthrow

To the Tune of "Old King Harry”

*The Bad Hufband turn'd thrifty

By John Wade, to the Tune of "Hey ho, my Honey”

*The Pedlar's Lamentation

To the Tune of "My Life and my Death”

*Poor Robin's Dream

To the Tune of " A Game at Cards”

*God fpeed the Plough and Blefs the Corn-mow

To the Tune of "I am the Duke of Norfolk”

*The Merry Man's Refolution

By L. Price, to the Tune of " The Highlanders new Rant.

*Well Matched at laft

To the Tune of " I know what I know.

*Death's uncontrolable Summons

To the Tune of "My bleeding Heart”

CONDITION: This book is in poor condition. The cover is worn, ripped, scuffed, torn, and tattered. The front cover is not longer attached to the spine. The back cover is loosening/separating from the spine. The spine is chipped (the missing piece will be included in case you want to repair it). Pages have turned yellow from age. Foxing to paper commensurate with age. There is some writing on the rear free endpaper. Please see pictures. THE PICTURES ARE TO BE CONSIDERED AS PART OF THE DESCRIPTION. PLEASE REVIEW THEM FOR A BETTER IDEA OF CONDITION.