Meet The Press Old Time Radio Shows On MP3 DVD OTR OTRS 128 Episodes

The was an excellent interview program featuring top makers and shakers of the day being put under the microscope and asked tough questions.
Includes 128 Episodes On An MP3 DVD-R!
Meet The Press 451207 - Fiorello La Guardia.mp3
Meet the Press 581221 - Henry Cabot Lodge - Senator, Massachusetts.mp3
Meet the Press 581228 - Kwame Nkrumah - Prime Minister, Ghana.mp3
Meet the Press 590104 - Lt. General James M. Gavin, Retired U.S. Army.mp3
Meet the Press 590111 - Senator Paul Douglas, D Illinois and Senator Jacob K. Javits, - R New York.mp3
Meet the Press 590118 - Anastas Mikoyan, First Deputy Premier of The Soviet Union.mp3
Meet the Press 590125 - Arturo Frondizi - President, Argentina.mp3
Meet the Press 590215 - Stuart Symington - Senator, Missouri.mp3
Meet the Press 590222 - Sumner Slichter - Economist, Harvard.mp3
Meet the Press 590301 - William Proxmire - Senator, Wisc..mp3
Meet the Press 590308 - Neil McElroy - Secretary of Defense.mp3
Meet the Press 590315 - Raymond Saulnier - economist.mp3
Meet the Press 590322 - Robert Frost.mp3
Meet the Press 590405 - Paul-Henri Spaak - Secretary General of NATO.mp3
Meet the Press 590412 - Tom Mboya - Kenya political leader.mp3
Meet the Press 590419 - Fidel Castro - Prime Minister, Cuba.mp3
Meet the Press 590503 - Barbara Ward - economist, political scientist.mp3
Meet the Press 590517 - Abba Eban - Foreign Minister, Israel.mp3
Meet the Press 590524 - Vannevar Bush - advocate of foreign aid.mp3
Meet the Press 590531 - John L. Lewis - President, United Mine Workers.mp3
Meet the Press 590607 - William Fulbright - Senator, Arkansas.mp3
Meet the Press 590621 - Three European Community Leaders.mp3
Meet the Press 590726 - Robert Kennedy.mp3
Meet the Press 590802 - Charles Halleck - Rep., Indiana.mp3
Meet the Press 590809 - Herbert Hoover - former President.mp3
Meet the Press 590816 - David Lawrence - Governor, Pennsylvania.mp3
Meet the Press 590823 - Erwin Canham - President, U. S. Chamber of Commerce.mp3
Meet the Press 590906 - Michael DiSalle - Governor, Ohio.mp3
Meet the Press 590913 - Carl Sandburg, Edward Steichen - photographer.mp3
Meet the Press 590920 - V. K. Krishna Menon - India's Ambassador to theU. N..mp3
Meet the Press 591011 - Edmund Pat Brown - Governor, California.mp3
Meet the Press 591018 - Charles Percy - Senator, Illinois.mp3
Meet the Press 591025 - Mark Hatfield and J. Howard Edmondson.mp3
Meet the Press 591101 - Edgar Kaiser - Chairman, Kaiser Steel.mp3
Meet the Press 591108 - James Mitchell - Secretary of Labor.mp3
Meet the Press 591115 - Richard Bolling - Representative, Missouri.mp3
Meet the Press 591122 - John McCone - Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission.mp3
Meet the Press 591129 - John Medaris - Army General.mp3
Meet the Press 591220 - Philip Noel-Baker.mp3
Meet the Press 600103 - John F Kennedy - Senator, Mass..mp3
Meet the Press 600110 - Stuart Symington - Senator, Missouri, candidate for President.mp3
Meet the Press 600117 - Ezra Taft Benson - Secretary of Agriculture.mp3
Meet the Press 600124 - Hyman Rickover - Admiral Father of theAtomic Navy.mp3
Meet the Press 600131 - Thruston Morton - Senator, Kentucky.mp3
Meet the Press 600207 - Paul Dudley White - physician, heart specialist.mp3
Meet the Press 600214 - Jacob Javits - Senator, New York.mp3
Meet the Press 600221 - George Smathers - Senator, Florida.mp3
Meet the Press 600228 - Henry Jackson - Senator, Washington.mp3
Meet the Press 600306 - Herman Talmadge - Governor, Senator, Georgia.mp3
Meet the Press 600313 - Thomas Lanphier - missile expert.mp3
Meet the Press 600320 - Konrad Adenauer - Chancellor, West Germany.mp3
Meet the Press 600327 - Thomas Dewey - Former Governor New York.mp3
Meet the Press 600403 - Hubert Humphrey - Senator, Minnesota.mp3
Meet the Press 600410 - Keith Glennan - Administrator, NASA.mp3
Meet the Press 600417 - Martin Luther King Jr. - Civil Rights Leader.mp3
Meet the Press 600424 - Adlai Stevenson - Governor, Illinois.mp3
Meet the Press 600501 - Wayne Morse - Democrat, Oregon.mp3
Meet the Press 600508 - Chester Bowles - Representative, Connecticut.mp3
Meet the Press 600515 - Willy Brandt - Mayor, West Berlin.mp3
Meet the Press 600522 - Alexander Kaznacheev - Soviet expert.mp3
Meet the Press 600529 - William Fulbright - Senator, Arkansas.mp3
Meet the Press 600605 - George Aiken - Senator, Vermont.mp3
Meet the Press 600612 - Nelson Rockefeller - Governor, New York.mp3
Meet the Press 600619 - Douglas Dillon - Secretary of theTreasury.mp3
Meet the Press 600626 - George Gallup - pollster.mp3
Meet the Press 600703 - Leroy Collins - Governor, Florida.mp3
Meet the Press 600904 - James P Mitchell.mp3
Meet the Press 600911 - Richard M Nixon.mp3
Meet the Press 600918 - Henry Cabot Lodge.mp3
Meet the Press 600925 - James J Wadsworth.mp3
Meet the Press 601002 - Alexander Douglas-Home - Foreign Secretary, Great Britain.mp3
Meet the Press 601016 - Senator John F. Kennedy.mp3
Meet the Press 601023 - Henry Jackson Senator, Washington, Thruston Morton - Senator, Kentucky.mp3
Meet the Press 601030 - Teresa Casusa - former aide to Fidel Castro.mp3
Meet the Press 601113 - Richard Scammon - electoral expert.mp3
Meet the Press 601127 - Frank Pace Jr. - Vice-Chairman, Commission On National Goals.mp3
Meet the Press 601204 - Robert Anderson - Secretary of theTreasury.mp3
Meet the Press 601211 - Senator Paul Douglas - Illinois.mp3
Meet the Press 601218 - John McCone - Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission.mp3
Meet the Press 601225 - Henry Heald - President, Ford Foundation.mp3
Meet the Press 610101 - General E P Quesada.mp3
Meet the Press 610108 - Everett Dirksen and Charles Halleck.mp3
Meet the Press 610122 - James M Landis.mp3
Meet the Press 610129 - Sergio Rojas Santamarina.mp3
Meet the Press 610205 - Luther H Hodges - Sec of Commerce.mp3
Meet the Press 610212 - Adam Clayton Powell Jr.mp3
Meet the Press 610219 - Abraham Ribicoff.mp3
Meet the Press 610226 - George Padmore.mp3
Meet the Press 610305 - Paul A Samuelson.mp3
Meet the Press 610319 - Styles Bridges.mp3
Meet the Press 610402 - Hubert Humphrey.mp3
Meet the Press 610409 - Dr Robert C Weaver.mp3
Meet the Press 610416 - Konrad Adenauer.mp3
Meet the Press 610423 - Dr I S Ravdin and Dr Sydney Farber.mp3
Meet the Press 610430 - Senator JW Fullbright.mp3
Meet the Press 610507 - Habib Bourguiba.mp3
Meet the Press 610514 - Dr Jonas Salk.mp3
Meet the Press 610528 - James E Webb and Dr Hugh L Dryden.mp3
Meet the Press 610604 - Edward R Murrow.mp3
Meet the Press 610611 - Dr Arnold J Toynbee.mp3
Meet the Press 610618 - John G Tower.mp3
Meet the Press 610625 - Arthur H Dean.mp3
Meet the Press 610702 - General Thomas D White.mp3
Meet the Press 610716 - Mohammad Ayub Khan.mp3
Meet the Press 610723 - Chester Bowles.mp3
Meet the Press 610730 - Franz Josef Straus and Wilhelm Grewe.mp3
Meet the Press 610813 - John J McCloy.mp3
Meet the Press 610820 - Secretary of State, Dean Rusk.mp3
Meet the Press 610827 - William E Miller.mp3
Meet the Press 610903 - Dr Walter W Heller.mp3
Meet the Press 610917 - Adlai E Stevenson.mp3
Meet the Press 610924 - Robert F Kennedy.mp3
Meet the Press 611001 - Frederick H Boland.mp3
Meet the Press 611008 - Dr Tingfu Tsiang.mp3
Meet the Press 611015 - Dr Cheddi Jagan.mp3
Meet the Press 611022 - Frank B Ellis.mp3
Meet the Press 611029 - Glenn T Seaborg.mp3
Meet the Press 611105 - Prime-Minister Nehru of India.mp3
Meet the Press 611112 - J Kenneth Galbraith.mp3
Meet the Press 611119 - Barry Goldwater.mp3
Meet the Press 611126 - Fowler Hamilton.mp3
Meet the Press 611203 - Edmund Gullion.mp3
Meet the Press 611210 - George W Ball.mp3
Meet the Press 611217 - George Meany.mp3
Meet the Press 611224 - Sergeant Shriver.mp3
Meet the Press 611231 - Allen W Dulles.mp3
Meet the Press 620107 - Charles Halleck.mp3
Meet the Press 620121 - Douglas Dillon.mp3



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