1937 Eastern Montana College Yearbook, Rimrock, Billings, Montana. Photos 1, 2 and 3 show the front cover, back cover and binding. Photo # 4 shows the Title Page. Photo # 5 shows The Student Awards. Because this the Depression, the awards started at $1.00 and got up to $25.00 in merchandise. Photo # 6 shows some different nature scenes from the 1930's. Starting at the top, left to right, pictures 1 and 2 show the Little Belt Mountains as they were in the 1930's.The Little Belt Mountains are located in the Lewis and Clark National Forest. Picture # 3 shows the Ranger Station near Cooke City, located in Park County. Picture # 4 shows a spot above Lake Gertrude. Lake  Gertrude is located somewhat near Red Lodge, Montana. Pictures 5 and 8 show Timberline Lake. Picture # 6 shows Daisy Pass as it was in the 1930's. Picture # 7 shows the camp at Lake Gertrude. Photo # 7 shows Beartooth Lake on the Cooke City Road. Photo # 8 shows Pilot Peak and Index Peak, located in the Absaroka Mountain Range. The photo was taken from the Cooke City Road. Pilot Peak has an elevation of 11,699. Index Peak has an elevation of 10,709. Photo # 8 shows the Student Council Members: Joe Toohey, from Absarokee Montana, Luis Gonzales, from Billings, Montana, Elmer Kloster, from Red Lodge, Montana, Phyllis Lumley from Red Lodge, Willa Mae Howard from Worden, Montana, Vern Clark from Billings and Eddie Gremmer from Custer, Montana. Photo # 9 shows some of the water damage. It's in the bottom of the book where the pages come together and seems to go throughout the yearbook.  The stains are about 3" x 1". Photo # 10 shows the Senior Class Officers. Photos 11 thru 21 show all the Senior Class Members. Photo # 22 show the names of Graduates whose pictures were not shown. Photo # 23 shows the Eastmont Jamboree put on by the Freshman Class was also known as the Class Carnival. It is Hard to find these old time yearbooks. Shelf # 67.