Please Enter
Any Name/ Text / Massage up to 200 letters / Up to 5 lines
Font Number
Symbol # (optional)
Monogram # (optional)
Or massage us your graphics or LOGO in vector format

Engraving Options (One Side)
Include Font # And Text (up to 5 lines/ 200 letters )
Monogram initials and text
logo or any image in vector format

Example :

Font 10
Line 1 : Jessica
Line 2: I love you
Line 3: 03/24/2018
Line 4:Jessica H27 John
Line 5: H16

M 14 (Michael's)
Line 1: Happy Anniversary
Line 2: Jordan & Julia H37

The keychain custom USB flash drive is sure to keep your data safe, and your glass full. These customized flash drives feature a fully functioning bottle opener on one end; while the other plugs into your computer or other device. The steel casing offers 2 long print surfaces that can be full-color printed or laser engraved with your brand logo, slogan, or website URL. These unique drives are ideal for growing and branding your business, so that everyone knows your name.

These personalized USB drives are just the thing for helping you get your business name out there into the mouths of those who can make you a success - customers and clients who need what you have to offer. This USB device will store files galore to free up your prospect's hard-drive space, including photos, documents, videos, and music files. Distribute this USB storage device at your retail location or office, or take it to an industry show, trade show, or convention where it will make your potential and current customers happy and will make your booth the most popular one there.