Cover by Bert Stern Wilhelmina. 

U.S. Fashion Phenomenon, The Best of Everything, 13 page layout photographed by Bert Stern including Trigere, Hattie Carnegie ring and earrings.

10 page layout with Suzy Parker, America Loves Chanel  photographed by Horst.


PENN layout shoes.

Charlie Chaplin’s daughter  2 page pictorial on Geraldine Chaplin by Hatami.

The Fashion for White - 8 pages by Louis Faurer.

The Most Beautiful Blouses in Years - 2 pages photographed by Louis Faurer.

'Barefoot in Lace'  with Elizabeth Ashley 4 page by Bert Stern.

Bargains in Chic 14-page by Horst.

Beauty - The Interesting Woman's Lipstick. 2 pages on beauty, with accompanying photo by Bert Stern.

Beauty - Beauty Bulletin ~ four pages on beauty photographed by Penn and  Peter Beard.

A Wondrous House by Valentine Lawford.  Interior design feature, 10 pages with photos by Horst P. Horst