L'archivio di Claudius Tiberianus da Karanis

Strassi, Silvia
De Gruyter
194 pages; 21 x 170 x 240 mm
Reihe / Serie
Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete - Beihefte 26
Papyrology, Roman History, Greek and Roman Egypt, Social and Economic History of the Ancient World, Papyrologie, Rom /Geschichte, Papyrology, Roman History, Greek and Roman Egypt, Social and Economic History of the Ancient World
EUR 260,00 (inkl. MwSt.)
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L'archivio di Claudius Tiberianus da Karanis

Claudius Tiberianus represents a typical situation for the possibilities of Greco-Egyptians how to advance socially through the service in the Roman army and then how to obtain therefore the citizenship after having finished with the honesta missio. In the first place we see him as a speculator at the time of the rule of Trajan, later as a veteran: he had socially advanced and operated together with his companion veterans and also with the still serving soldiers in the navy and in the land army. His friends were for him economic and social partners, they had common affairs and common opinions. These documents open a view of the living in the country (Fayum and elsewhere) and in the city of Alexandria, which allow us to reconstruct a lot of private and public relations. Here even the nearly silent world of women informs us about economic and legal items. A very interesting tale concerns the murdering of a slave reported by the mother of the culprit. Another quite actual aspect of those days is represented by relations such as between patroni and their clientes. From a more technical point in the field of papyrological work it should be remembered that the results have been obtained through a continous interrogation of the archaeological background.

"Die stets sorgfältig abgewogenen Urteile von S. tragen das Ihre dazu bei, dem Buch Vorbildcharakter zuzuweisen. Auch aus allgemeinhistorischer Sicht kann die Lektüre daher nur nachdrücklich empfohlen werden."
Andrea Jördens in: Gnomon 8/2009
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