Name:     Huang Jin Gui Oolong Tea
Origin:     Anxi Country, Fujian, China
Grade:     VERY GOOD
Other Name:     Golden Osmanthus, Golden Cassia
Production year:     This Year It is fresh.
Brand:     Bulk tea, directly from the farmers. .
Packing:     We use professional tea packaging. Vacuum sealed foil bag.
Expired Date:
    12 months. Tea damp or moldy. Please do not eat.
Brewing:     We recommend using Chinese Yixing (purple clay) or porcelain tea ware. Rinse tea cup and teapot with hot water. Fill the teapot 1/4 to 1/3 full with tea leaves, or 2 grams of tea leaves for every 150ml of water if you are not using Yixing teapot. Steep tea leaves in hot water at 100°c (212°F) for 1 minute for the first and second brewing. Gradually increase steeping time for subsequent brewing.
Storage:     We recommend refrigerator (1-10 ° C). Clean, airy, dry, avoid direct sunlight, no pollution, No Srange Smell.


About Huang Jin Gui Oolong Tea (From wiki and

Huangjin Gui (Chinese: 黄金桂) is a premium variety of Chinese oolong tea traditionally from Anxi in Fujian province. Named after the yellow golden color of its budding leaves and its unique flowery aroma, said to be reminiscent of Osmanthus.

This oolong is similar to Tieguanyin, with only a little oxidation. Consequently, it has a very flowery, delicate aroma without the astringency of a green tea or the heaviness of a Red/Black Tea.

Huang Jin Gui, also known as Golden Osmanthus in English, is one of the Anxi oolongs and also regarded as one of the most famous Chinese oolong tea. The tea comes from An Xi area, Fujian province. It got the name as it has a distinct Osmanthus flower-like aroma.

It has curled yellowish green tea leaves. The brewed tea is golden yellow in color with complex flavor. The taste is mild and brisk, with long aftertaste.

As the tea was baked using wood charcoal, compared with other lightly baked oolong teas, it has not only deeper and thinner fragrance, but also longer lasted brewing times.