Antique Bamboo Blowpipe / Blowgun Tolor (quiver) with darts - Malaysia Borneo

Bamboo Tolor with 12 darts

Tolor length - 15 inches
Dart length - 9 inches 

The Tolor is traditionally made from a piece of bamboo, which makes an excellent cylindrical container. 
This bamboo quiver was made to carry the slender darts for a hunter's blowpipe. 
As these darts were often treated with plant poison, they had to be carefully protected. 
A partition between the segments forms the bottom. 
The lid is made of a similar piece which forms the upper part.
A wooden girdle hook is attached to the quiver by woven strips of rattan.
The forked stick bound with plaited rattan to the base of the quiver was hooked through the hunter's belt for carrying.