1957 Westridge Prep School Annual titled with great photographs and text showing the students, faculty, activities, candids, graphics, classmate insciptions, sports, pictures of school and surrounding. Seniors each get large individual head and shoulders photos with quotations as well as posed photos on separate page with list of personal qualities. Photographed sports include horseback riding, tennis, basketball, tennis, swimming, and badminton. Great photos and beautiful period design

Individually photographed graduating seniors include: janis young, michelle valentine, lynn touchstone, grace thorndike, roy anne terry, sara sweezy, sandra swayne, victora straubel, gretchen smits, claudeen smith, sarah simonds, mary spanky's archive listing, schoentgen, margaret rose, nancy pattinson, debra nash, maria pillar martinez, melinda marston, judy leavitt, joan lamb, janet jacobus, susan inge, noelle harris, andrea hansen, mary hammersley, jenifer hamilton, susan gertmenian, henrietta egly, margaret dickson, mary crotty, judith cox, leslei collins, laurie cockburn, janice brandt, beverly bradway, mary jane anderson, and barbara allen. ... Group photographed lower schoolers include: lynn helpbringer, linda lashley, martha anderson, sheryl hayman, frances seamsns, fredda disterdick, jean clark, margaret omori, barry zorthian, susan pierose, kathryn files, cheri colby, margaret merchant, kathleen mccloskey, carol hornauer, susan spencer, anne purcell, cheryl mangam, joan valentine, elizabeth miracle, carol mills, marjorie edmondson, kristy russell, janet sill, linda warren, gudrun wilcke, susan stratton, carol cartwright, elissa hugens, lynn tsuboi, toni hehr, jane barnes, cynthia clarke, cynthia oldfield, penelope dumm, lee matthew, nancy smith, robin galbally, lydia charlton, nancy causey, georgia lynch, polly wheaton, penelope whyte, virginia pohlman, vicki stevens, daphne cates, and maria de trujillo.

Individually photographed teachers include: gladys peterson, margaret atwood, elizabeth brandt, alice briggs, anne chisholm, marian colwell, hattie doane, elizabeth edmundson, linda fisher, robert frame, lela geyer, andree haas, gertrude hall, cora haverkamp, dorothy hubbard, marjory knight, rosemary lonergan, john lamb, lucy martin, marilyn monsour, veronica morelli, barbara morse, laura pell, llewellyn roberts, josephine rodes, daphne sanders, mildred sanders, mona save, sharon sinex, charlotte wilcke, margaret willets, james sata, and john rios.

Good condition hardback issue with tight binding and text and clean pages; with no must or mildew or missing pieces, with a one inch rift in the lower outer binding, and minor shelf wear. 

Great rarity giving a true historic look at Pasadena and the promising young women from Westridge during the Dwight Eisenhower years.  Just waiting for a good home.

Email or call for any details. Spanky's Archive, since 1986. 

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