I've had this bank for probably 15 years, just waiting to see another one like it.  I have yet to find one ANYWHERE.  My youngest son was a HUGE fan of POTC when he was little. (or as he called it "Pirates Count the Beans".)  So he was gifted this when he was very young.  Well, the voice on this bank scared the hell out of him, so it was moved to the attic until now.  It's very cool!  Once you put a coin in the slot, the heart lights up and it says "I've waiting a long time for payment, and I'll be collecting.  One way, or another."  Sounds exactly like Bill Nighy's voice, though it's not a direct quote from the movie.  

Go ahead and find another one.  I'll wait.

It does say "Disney" on the bottom of it.  
It does include the plug.

It is NOT the motorized one that is similar.
It is NOT the CD player.  

This is strictly a bank that scared the piss out of my son when he was 3.