Ingredients: Horsetail stalk, Marshwort stalk, Corn ear, Hawthorn flower and leaf, Easter stalk, Catnip stalk, Thyme stalk

Action: Anti-inflammatory, blood purifier, genitourinary system. It has a healing and beneficial effect on the whole organism. It calms and balances the nervous system, has a hypotensive effect by strengthening heart contractions. Improves blood supply to the heart and brain. It has anti-cholesterol effect, diuretic, pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory/antiseptic/, remineralizing effect.
Expectorant, disinfecting and choleretic action.

Application: Beneficial for inflammation of the prostate, gynecological diseases, myoma, mastopathy, kidney stone disease. It has a beneficial effect on circulatory system disorders, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, gastritis, liver disorders, skin diseases, eczema.

How to use: 1 filter is filled with 200 ml of boiling water. It is steamed for 10-15 minutes. Use 200 ml of tea 3 times a day before meals, and the tea should be at room temperature or slightly warm.