Real Lace America's Irish Rich Book by Stephen Birmingham 1973 Hardcover Dust Jacket. Photos 1, 2 and 3 show the front cover, back cover and binding. Photos 4 and 5 give more information about the book. Photos 6 and 7 show the Title Page and Publishing Information.  Photos 6 and 7 show the Table of Contents. Photo #8 shows the family of Thomas E. Murray, a famous electrical inventor and builder of many electrical power plants in New York. He also worked with another inventor, Thomas A. Edison. Photo # 9 shows Thomas A. Edison with Grandpa Thomas Murray, and Walter P Chrysler. Photo # 10 shows Edward  I Doheny and Albert B. Fall, outside the Courthouse where the Teapot Dome oil  scandal hearings were being held in Washington D.C. involving large oil well acreage in California and Wyoming.  Albert Bacon Fall was was Secretary of the Interior. He was sent to prison for his involvement. The oil wells located in Kern County are still pumping oil. Oil is still being pumped in the Teapot Dome area in Natrona County, Wyoming. Photo # 11 shows the James C. Flood, Mansion in Menlo Park, California, who made his money from Silver Mining in Nevada. Photo # 12 shows the James G. Fair's house in San Francisco and his wo daughters, Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt and Mrs. Hermann Oelrichs. Photo # 13 shows the Irish Big Four, William S. O'Brien, James G. Flair, John W. Mackay and James C. Flood. Photo # 14 shows Honest Dan Bradley or his real name of John Murray Cuddihy and his wile Julia Cuddihy. Photo # 15 shows John Murray Cuddihy's daughter. in a photo that went around the world. It was Mary Jane Cuddihy dancing barefooted at the El Morocco Nightclub in New York City. Shelf # 28.