As a fan of Pennywise I know you know that Pennywise is likely female, and we all know females are often deadlier than males. In Mr. King's 'It', Pennywise is referred to as male, however at the end of that chunky tome of horrors most cosmic the thing is an enormous pregnant spider in its true form!

So, without further ado, meet my conjoined Pennywise twins! A two-headed beautiful yet grotesque eight-limbed freak! Although two of those limbs are fused into one... it still counts! They are Screatures Doll #033.

Penny on the left there is suppressing a smile because her belly is full of delicious fear-soaked flesh, which makes her sister, Wise- whose stomach still rumbles with unquenchable hunger- just a little maliciously melancholy.

We all know when twins are involved one is wicked, one is good. Well, these twins are a glaring exception to that rule! They both reek of pure evil, but Penny's evil overshadows Wise's wickedness... notice Wise is a touch smaller, her hair is a few shades lighter, she's a bit scrawnier than her sister... that's because Penny is stronger, and is so devilish that she syphons Wise's energy in secret, the ghastly parasite! As such, Penny's pupils have that eerie dead-light glow to them.

I have given both girls extensive surgery, including amputations, limb transplants, limb fusions, carving and creepy glass eye implants. Their faceups are a homage to the latest incarnation of Pennywise the Dancing Clown.

These ghoulish gals are about 30cm tall, 32cm when sitting on their custom stool (upholtered with vintage burgundy velvet)atop the handmade stand.

Their tatty, blood-drenched outfits are handmade by me. No part of what they wear is removable. You can remove the doll from the stand.

Both girls have jointed knees, hips and elbows. They hold poses well. Penny's left hand/wrist joint doesn't move at all, nor do their heads. They don't stand alone unless propped against something solid.

They've taken many hours over many months to bring to ungodly life. I adored every moment of it, and I am sure you too will love their company 🖤

One of a kind an art doll, designed for display only. Not a play toy, nor is it suitable for children.

Thank you for viewing my creation. If you have any questions or comments please message me xox