Bi 3s22 tube Siemens Germany preamp postal tubes long life 1950's ~ kl70505 ren904

one tube Bi Siemens Germany
silver coated 
yellow label 
metal base 
tested strong on tube tester Funle W19S = 11,5mA (reference good at 5,5mA) 

Brand : Siemens (& Halske, -Schuckert Werke SSW, Electrogeräte); Berlin, München 
Power/Output Triode 
Bi = 373_Triode = PTT100 = 3S22 = R115_Radiotechnique
Similar tube  KL70505
Other base   Bi/904 ; BiII
Other base and other heater:   Bi-spez ; BiIV
Multiple differences or of other kind:   REN904
Socket EU-Telephone 7-pin (G7K)
Filament heater Vf 4 Volt / If 1.1 Ampere / Indirect / Specified voltage AC/DC
Weitverkehrsröhre (Poströhre)

box 178