Track one is a two-voice hypnosis session -- Ginny & Frank. The second track contains supportive stress reduction subliminal suggestions. What a pleasant experience, and what a difference this hypnosis CD has made!

Meet the Evergreen team

Ginny Lucas, PhD, founder in 1992 of Evergreen Professional Hypnotherapy, is a credentialed consulting psychologist and counselor, specializing in  behavioral modification.

A past board member of Three Rivers Indian Lodge (a residential rehabilitation program for Native Americans) and Teen Triumph (a residential rehabilitation program for troubled teens), she  is  Founder and Past President of  the Central Valley Chapter of  the National Guild of Hypnotherapists.

She has authored four books including Charming Children - How the Relaxation Game Helps Good Parents Raise Great Kids .

 Frank Lucas, CCH, Evergreen's primary clinician, is a founding member of  the Tobacco-free Families committee, and co-chair of STOPP — Smoking & Tobacco Outreach Prevention Project, for San Joaquin County. He is a  member of the Board of Directors for the Stockton Chamber of Commerce, has chaired the Small Business Council, and served on the Government Regulations Committee. He also chairs the Health and Wellness committee.

What is Hypnosis?

 l Hypnosis was developed by medical doctors and approved by the council of Mental Health of the American Medical Association in 1958 as a safe practice with no harmful side effects and is taught in many medical schools throughout the world.

 l Hypnosis is not sleep. It is a natural, relaxed, focused state of attention characterized by feelings of well being, increased muscle relaxation, increased pain threshold, and the ability to accept new ideas about yourself.  You remain aware of everything going on around you.

 l Hypnosis cannot make you do things that are contrary to your value system or against your will.

 l Hypnotherapy is hypnosis used as therapy to help people just like you bring about positive changes in thoughts, feelings and behavior.