pre order  post Nov 2024 - March 2025 Preorder The Only SUPPLIER IN Europe 

Only 6 left so once gone they have gone

Wolf River x Niedzweckyana. very large size fruit, red flesh. 

LARGEST Redfleshed apple in the world  he best and largest of the red-fleshed apples. Although usually considered too tart for eating out of hand, the medium-large fruit with opaque solid rusty-red skin is absolutely great in pies, makes wonderful jelly, and turns sauce and cider red. We love this apple. it turns into a dessert apple after storage of 2 -4 weeks

Gained fame in the hard-cider world thanks to the wonderful single-variety Redfield cider and Redfield blends made by the late Terry Maloney of West County Cider. Very sharp and bitter in cidermakers’ lingo. (SG 1.052)

Flesh is two-toned: deep pink fading to white around the core. The flowers are also two-toned, deep pink, tipped with small white lightning bolts. And the bronze-red foliage adds further interest all season. Bears young, annually, and shows some insect resistance in our trials.


This is bareroot and will Send November - Jan2023- March when dormant PLEASE NOT NO FERTILISER IS ADDED AT ANYTIME AND THESE COULD BE 20cm-90cm  FOOT TALL not like the garden canter ones which are put on Garden steroids to look Nice then flop in real conditions for a few years while they get used to normal soil conditions. These are raring to get growing in the open place.