The is Sime Gen fanzine called "Ambrov Zeor! 6".  These fanzines were published by Kerry Schaefer.  This is a gen anthology of fan fiction, articles, letters, and interviews based on the pro fiction of Jacqueline Lichtenberg's Sime-Gen universe , a world inhabited by people dealing with a biological reality not unlike that of the Alpha/Beta/ Omega trope.

Ambrov Zeor 6 was published in January 1978 (first printing, 500 copies) and contains 33 pages. cover of issue #6, by Signe Landon. The cover logo is by Signe Landon. The art on page 17 by Amy Harlib. All other art is by Chesha.

This issue has an update of Lichtenberg's professional successes and activities, including "writing a Darkover novel with Marion Zimmer Bradley... also some Darkover fanfic, is still trying to get to the writing of Kraith VI, is continuing as a reviewer for Media Spotlight which will be changing its name and emphasizing sf more than ST."

This issue has a lot of plugs for other zines by Lorrah, and for Darkover merchandise and clubs. This blurb for the upcoming Spock: The Archetype that Would Not Die (by Walter Breen) is one example.

You are Receiving this Zine Because by David David Lomazoff (two possibilities "You thought this was a Star Trek zine," and "You wanted something besides a Star Trek zine to read..." (1)

editorial by Jacqueline Lichtenberg, addresses a comment by Virginia Heinlein (wife of Robert), which was a plea for Star Trek fans to get started with another one of their letter campaigns, this time to stop the "So. Calif. 'environmentalists' who are trying to put a stop to the testing of the space shuttle." Lichtenberg says she believes that the reference to "environmentalists" is to the "hysterical kind and the sane kind."

Operation High Time..., fiction by Jacqueline Lichtenberg ("Copyright 1969 by Galaxy Publishing Corporation. Used by Permission." "This is the first story I ever sold, bought by Fred Pohl for "IF MAGAZINE," who also bought [[Star Trek Lives! (book)|Star Trek Lives!.") (4)

four page insert of the 1977 Hugo Award nomination form, to be sent to IguanaCon (unnumbered pages)

a one page dense flyer for Jean Lorrah's zines and for info for Darkover fans (clubs and zines) (unnumbered page)

a proposal for a World Star Trek Convention, by World Star Trek Society, proposed by Rich Kolker (12)

Two Kinds of Men... original song by April Valentine and Kathy Burns ("[April] and Kathy] are part of the Omicron Ceti Three. If their first album sells well, there is every chance "TWO KINDS OF MAN" (inspired by "HOUSE OF ZEOR") will be recorded on their second. This is not a filksong. It has original music that doesn't leave a dry eye (or lateral) in the house! We hope to bring you this music transcribed in a future issue [of "Ambrov Zeor].") (14)

a introduction, plea for feedback, and letters about Sime Surgeon by Jacqueline Lichtenberg (15)

First Transfer by Jean Lorrah and Jacqueline Lichtenberg (17)

Egobliss by Beth Madison ("Ego-bliss: the indescribable thrill experienced by a juct sime in taking selyn from -- and killing -- a terror-filed, defiant gen.") (17)

a reprinted letter by the High Frontiers Foundation asking for help to "rekindle awareness by the general populace of the necessity for continued space exploration." (18)

What's an Iggycon? by Cathy Filipowicz (a long description and plug for Iggycon, formally Iguanacon, the 36th World Science Fiction Convention)

The Starred-Cross as a Symbol of the Age of Capricorn, article by Jacqueline Lichtenberg (21)

Journey of Suffering, Journey of Joy by Marcia Ristow (23)

Selyn Transfer, eight letters of comment (In fact, the creators of this zine mention that they are looking for someone to produce this section in later issues, someone who would collect, edit and collate the letters specifically about Darkover, Sime~Gen, Star Trek, and Kraith—that person would have to "have access to a selectric, shrewd editorial ability, and a location near Jan in Albany, NY." This fan would receive his their name on the staff list and a free issue of each zine they worked on. ) (28)

Out Territory (31)

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