General theory on laughter and humor: Unification of the theories of laughter and humor by developing a general theory of these phenomena

Paperback / Softback
Vandeuren, Mikhaël; Vandeuren, Jean-Pierre
Our Knowledge Publishing
64 pages; 220 x 150 mm
Humor/Comedy, Laughter, humor, Philosophy, Personal Development, well being
EUR 54,90 (inkl. MwSt.)
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General theory on laughter and humor
What is laughter? And what is humor?This philosophical essay does not pretend to make people laugh (although we have tried our best) but analyses humor itself.To do so, we have examined the various existing theories on laughter and humor in order to detect their relevance and their failures.We found their common core and, with the help of the work of the philosopher Spinoza, we developed a general theory of laughter and humor that unifies these theories while overcoming their limitations.To complete this study, we then presented the different forms of humor according to their genesis and, on the basis of our general theory, we unraveled all the interpretations and consequences of the phenomenon of laughter and humor.Finally, we proved that it is legitimate to "laugh at everything" and that, by avoiding certain forms of humor, it is even possible to laugh with anyone...
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