This item is in excellent condition.
7P6 035 730 J interchangeable with 7P6 035 730 K <J, and some other models. Should be PNP with 2011-2014 models with factory Bluetooth module under the passenger seat. Can be used as upgrade for older models like 2005-2010 but may require coding or canbus upgrade.
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Items are professionally packed to ensure safe delivery.
Combined shipping is available on almost all items I have for sale.
If you have any questions please ask before purchase.
Returns subject to a 30% restocking fee.

International buyers:
Please note that buyer will be responsible for any import duty or fees.
The item value on the customs form will match the selling price.

It is strongly advised that the shipping address you use is easily identifiable especially in countries/ regions without direct door to door mail/ package delivery. Selecting faster shipping with premium tracking (Priority, UPS, FedEx) is recommended in these cases to help your item arrive in a timely manner.