Iolite is a mineral that belongs to the group of silicate minerals known as cyclosilicates. It has a chemical composition of Mg₂Al₄Si₅O₁₈ and forms in high-temperature, high-pressure environments such as metamorphic rocks. The color of iolite is caused by the presence of iron in its crystal lattice. The intensity of the color can vary depending on the amount of iron present and the angle from which the stone is viewed.

One of the most interesting features of iolite is its pleochroism. This property means that the stone appears to have different colors when viewed from different angles. For example, when viewed from one angle, iolite may appear blue, while from another angle it may appear violet. This characteristic has made iolite a popular gemstone for use in jewelry, as it can create unique and eye-catching effects in the stones.

Iolite is a relatively soft stone, with a hardness of 7-7.5 on the Mohs scale. It is not as hard as many other gemstones, such as diamonds or sapphires, and as a result, it may be prone to scratches and damage if not handled carefully. It is also sensitive to heat and can be damaged if exposed to high temperatures.

Despite its relative softness, iolite is a popular gemstone for use in jewelry due to its unique color and pleochroism. It is commonly used in rings, necklaces, and earrings, and can be found in a range of different cuts and settings.

Beautiful Oval Faceted Iolite
Lovely Vibrant Purple Blue Color
The chemical composition of iolite is magnesium aluminium silicate (Mg₂Al₄Si₅O₁₈)
Top Quality Gem with Astonishing Luster and Eye Clean Clarity
Exquisite Gem for Fine Jewelry

Mainly used as substitute for blue sapphire!!

Take this opportunity to secure 1 or more of these marvelous gems at a well below wholesale price!

This is the perfect gift for yourself or someone special.

Hardness : 7 - 7.5 on Moh's Scale
Specific Gravity : 3.1 - 4.3
Refractive Index : 1.55 – 1.62
Chemical Formula : Mg₂Al₄Si₅O₁₈
Transparency : Translucent, Transparent
Luster : Vitreous

Approx carat weight for each stone - 
4x3mm - 0.14 ct
5x3mm - 0.2 ct
5x4mm - 0.32 ct
6x4mm - 0.38 ct
7x5mm - 0.68 ct
8x6mm - 0.95 ct
9x7mm - 1.5 ct
10x8mm - 2.8 ct

If you require a size that is not listed, please feel free to contact us.
We also provide wholesale quantity.