Introducing the stunning Creeping Thyme! This beautiful and versatile plant is the perfect addition to any garden or landscape. With its deep purple foliage and delicate pink flowers, this thyme is sure to add a pop of colour and visual interest to any space.

Why Creeping Thyme Seeds is a Must-Have for Every Gardener

Not only is the Creeping Thyme beautiful, but it also has a variety of practical uses. This low-growing plant is perfect for ground cover, filling in gaps between stepping stones or as a border plant. Plus, it's a natural weed suppressant, helping to keep your garden looking neat and tidy.

Create a Fragrant and Low-Maintenance Garden with Creeping thyme seeds.

The Creeping Thyme is also a great choice for herb gardens. Its leaves have a fragrant, earthy aroma and a slightly minty flavour, making it a popular choice for seasoning meats, soups, and stews.

Unleash the Vibrant Colors of Creeping Thyme

Easy to care for and maintain, this hardy plant is drought-tolerant and thrives in full sun to partial shade. It's also deer-resistant, making it a great option for gardens in areas with lots of wildlife.

Don't miss out on the chance to add the beautiful and practical Creeping Thyme to your garden. Order now and enjoy the beauty and benefits of this amazing plant!

Sowing instructions

The seed is best sown from spring or early autumn onwards around 13⁰c.  It will not germinate well in very warm conditions.  
Please note the seed is very small and mixing with some horticultural sand may help sowing.
The seed is sown on the surface and lightly pressed into the growing medium.  Do not cover as the seed needs light to germinate.
Cover the growing container with plastic or diffused glass until germinated, which takes 14-28 days depending on conditions.
When large enough to handle transplant to trays or pots to grow on.
Harden off any plants gradually before planting outside.
Plants should be spaced 30 cm apart and appreciate some grit in the planting hole if the soil is very heavy or wet.
During the first year, the plants will need weeding whilst they get established.

pack includes 500 seeds
please note, the seeds are very small, to be handeled with care.

These seeds are guaranteed viable. Should you have difficulties with the germination, then just contact me for a free replacement.