"The Etude Music Magazine" February 1928.

Published while America was in its post war economic boom, the Roaring Twenties, the jazz age, and just before America entered into the darkest depression in our history! A depression that changed America forever.

Vintage ads. 89 pages measures about 10.5" x 13.5". Includes sheet music such as The Gay Little Swing, Chapel Bells, Hungarian Echo and other selections. Lots of vintage ads. 
This historic issue is complete and is in very good condition, no missing pages, clippings or chips on covers.  Contains: Making Music Colorful -By E. J. Benson The Magic of Melody -By E. Poldini Haydn in London -By E.S. Hofer And many other fascinating articles! Musical pieces include: Contra Dance (Four Hands) -By L. van Beethoven Theme from Sonata in A -By W. A. Mozart As well as pieces by Schumann and many others. See scan of the table of contents for a full listing of articles. Wonderful cover art by Anne Chuse! 
This historic issue is complete.